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Manuel Marino

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Manuel is a passionate, driven, and techsavvy AV technician, artist and music composer with over ten years of experience, specializing in the captivating world of music and entertainment.

Manuel is an expert in creating soundtracks for short filmsfeature films and video games.

Manuel Music Blog is a diverse digital platform where creativity and intellect converge, covering a wide range of topics from 3D Art to Music, and Technology to Philosophy.

It’s a collaborative space that features the insights of both Manuel, contributors and participants, appealing to enthusiasts across various fields.

With dedicated sections for different arts, instruments, and cultural reflections, this blog serves as a rich resource for those seeking inspiration, knowledge, and a deep dive into the myriad aspects of artistic and technological exploration.

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Music Biz

DJ playing DJ controller

Marcos Marado wrote this exclusive article about Music Biz. Is the situation really so dramatic as he explains? Leave your comments, this could be our first really important debate on ManuelMarino.com.

Music Biz

I’m, first of all, a passionate for music. My passion for music before I can recall it, and grew with the fact that I had the luck to have older brother and sisters whose music collection was wide enough to feed my music interests. Also since a little kid I was interested in technology, and started programming at the age of four. Being nowadays a music lover and also a musician, and at the same time graduated and working as a Computer Science Engineer, I feel myself lucky to have some ground bases to analyse the state of music business.

The music business is in a chaotic state. The record industry is declining, and is throwing the guilt of it to what they like to call “piracy” – the unauthorised downloading of music. While they blame it, the truth is music market is falling, whos to blame? The fault is from the music industry Marketing and Music: Any Song Can Become Famous? - Today let's dive into a topic that's been buzzing around a lot: the relationship between marketing and music. We all know that marketing plays a massive role in the music industry, but does it actually hold the power to make any track a hit? Or does talent still stand a chance? First off, let's address… itself. Doug Morris, Universal Music CEO, recently admitted he knows nothing about the …

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“Music Biz”

Documentary Filmmaking

This is a special article written for us by James N. Weber. He has worked on Socially Aware Media, especially documentaries, in South Africa, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Mexico, and is currently working on a project on food security in Guatemala. His work and more info can be found at his homepage.

Documentary Filmmaking

On the video shelf where the Dewey Decimal starts with a number, there is an odd conglomeration of videos: a man gorging himself on fries, some guy living with grizzlies, and a bunch of slide shows of old wars. It’s the documentary shelf, a mix of the sensational, humorous, serious, and (supposedly) true videos.

So let’s say you want to get your work on that shelf. Maybe you know this awesome woman down the street who invents things. Or maybe you’re interested in the affects of high fructose corn syrup on your body. Here’s how you can do it, and really, you can.

Throughout my experience with documentaries, I’ve developed what I call Socially Aware Media. In other words, I try to make sure that my projects are dedicated to making life better for people, or at the very least, trying not to …

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“Documentary Filmmaking”

Independent Games

We interview Adrian Grigore, president of Lobstersoft, an independent casual games developer from Fulda, Germany. Their company consists of 2 people, although they have outsourced some parts of the development to freelance Navigating the Freelance Landscape: A Guide to Success on Fiverr - In the digital age, the concept of a traditional 9-to-5 job is rapidly evolving, giving way to the rise of freelance professionals. [Sign up here!] These individualsharness the power of the internet to offer their unique skills and talents to a global audience. Platforms like… graphics and music artists when creating Gemsweeper. Gemsweeper is their latest title, a PC puzzle game.

Independent Games

MM: Adrian, what can you tell me about the actual situation of independent videogame developers?

AG: Life as an independent game developer has always been a lot of fun. It requires a lot of dedication, but it is hugely rewarding to watch other people happily play your game once it is finished.Being your own boss also has its advantages. I love having the freedom to work whenever I want, as long as I want and wherever I want. I’m not sure if …

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“Independent Games”

Creative Ideas (Part Two)

painting of woman in white long-sleeved dressThis is the Part Two of the powerful article by Deremiah. (Part One)

Creative Ideas (Part Two)


Brian Tracy who has done a lot of research to compile the information in his wonderful book “CREATE YOUR OWN FUTURE” expresses in Chapter 7, page 115 that Relationships Are Essential toward the development of your future. The Power of Ideas are improved by the friendships we develop and nurture. Most people underestimate how their friends impact the direction they are going and will continue to go in as a result of the company they choose. Sometimes you have to realign yourself with new partnerships in business, new personal and business relationships just to place yourself in a more positively influential environment with others who have the same values that you do. When you begin to hang out, spend time talking with people who reflect the kinds of attitudes that uplift you. It’s just as important to get yourself moving in the right direction as it is to get an electric current to the right appliance or device you’re trying to power. Like electric current powerful ideas have to be directed. It’s very …

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“Creative Ideas (Part Two)”

Creative Ideas (Part One)

grayscale photography of woman with two hands on her faceLike the power of electricity your Ideas have greater impact when they rapidly flow in concentrated streams of thought. You’ll find this and more in the article wrote by Deremiah, exclusively for ManuelMarino.com . Deremiah *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist), is the winner of the 2004 Nightingale-Conant Acres of Diamonds Award and one of the top marketing experts on MarketingProfs.com. Deremiah (www.byderemiah.com) writes extensively on marketing and business communications. Learn more about Deremiah and his easy to read smart book, 52 Great Weeks: how to quickly develop unforgettable, inspirational service when you don’t have time. Contact him at [email protected].

And now… the article:

The Power of Ideas (Part One)

Although I’ve been drawing most of my life I can only really remember having the ability to control this talent somewhere around 4 years old. By the time I turned five I got a hold of an oil Paint by Number set. It was one of those cheap simulated board canvases with numbers that matched the numbers on the small plastic oil paint containers and they came with a few red enamel paint brushes. My mom who was very creative used these paint by number kits to paint …

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“Creative Ideas (Part One)”

Independent Filmmaking

We’re back with a new interview, to Actress and Producer Glorinda Marie. We talk about independent filmmaking, filmmakers, actors and movies industry.

Here are some interesting links to check, after reading the interview:

Actress Website
SF Indieclub
Get Bizzzy Acting Coach

Manuel Marino: “Glorinda, what do you think is an artist?”

Glorinda Marie: “An artist creates something through utilizing his or her imagination or minds eye as the primary tool of invention.”

MM: “You teach and coach other artists, why do some artists fail and other succeed?”

GM: “I teach my ‘Get Bizzzy’ students to practice the 5 P’s:
– Professionalism
– Punctuality
– Practice your Craft
– Persistence
– Patience
If any one of these key elements is missing, one can fail. Always be a professional treating everyone respectfully. You see the same people on the way up as on the way down. Show up early or on time for auditions and work. I know some CD’s that take points off for actors that are late for auditions and producers who will fire people from jobs if they are late. Also, it is especially vital that an actor hone their skills continuously – so …

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“Independent Filmmaking”