by Manuel Marino | American Art, Flute
Native American flutes are undoubtedly some of the most enchanting instruments. Music played on a Native six-hole flute captivates listeners and can calm one’s spirit.
If you’re familiar with flute music, you’re likely fond of it as well. If you’re new to flutes or looking for one for yourself or as a special gift, I hope these facts and tips will help guide your decision to purchase a Native American flute online.
- One of the exciting aspects of Native American flutes is that almost anyone can learn to play them. They are quite simple and accessible, making them enjoyable for people of all ages.
- A Native American flute can be crafted from expensive exotic woods or more common materials like cane or bamboo. Pine flutes are widespread, but cedar flutes are particularly popular. The key is the attention given to quality and detail. Both handcrafted cedar and pine flutes provide excellent sound quality The Vinyl Revival: Trend or Return to the Past? - In an age dominated by digital streaming, one might think that physical music formats have become obsolete. Yet, the resurgence of vinyl records in recent years has defied this assumption, becoming a cultural phenomenon. Sales of vinyl
… ...Read the rest.
“Browse Top 9 Native American Flute Tips”
by Manuel Marino | Flute
The oboe is one of the four woodwind instruments commonly found in orchestras. It is also frequently used in chamber music, concert bands, and as a solo instrument. Learning to play the oboe provides various playing opportunities for individuals willing to put in the necessary effort to master the instrument.
The oboe has a reputation for being one of the more challenging instruments to learn, and it is not as well-known as other woodwind instruments such as the flute, clarinet, and saxophone. Consequently, there are fewer oboists than flutists, clarinetists, or saxophonists. However, this can be an advantage because oboists are in high demand and often have numerous playing opportunities available to them. This makes playing the oboe an especially rewarding skill.
Despite its reputation as a difficult instrument, learning to play the oboe is not any more challenging than learning any other instrument. Like every musical instrument, it has its particular challenges that can be overcome through good technique. Proper playing techniques can be learned, understood, and applied to overcome any challenges with the oboe.
Within the woodwind family, the oboe is situated between the flute and the clarinet and can be found in that order on an orchestral … ...Read the rest.
“Help Playing the Oboe”
by Manuel Marino | Flute
Although the origin of musical instruments has been the subject of various theories, the lyre and the “pipe” are among the earliest known instruments. The lyre was a stringed instrument with typically ten strings, while the harp had twelve strings and was usually played by strumming or picking with the fingers. The lyre, on the other hand, was played by choosing a single string at a time with a plectrum. The Bible mentions the lyre in Genesis 4:20-21, describing Jubal as the “father of the lyre and pipe,” which is believed to be the root word of “jubilation,” referring to a musical celebration.
In modern times, the guitar is similar to the lyre in that its sound is produced by the vibration of its strings. To increase the amount of sound produced, the guitar utilizes a soundboard or resonant cavity in its hollow body, which is why it is called an acoustic guitar How to Buy a Guitar - The guitar is known for its dynamic and unique sound, making it a popular instrument in various genres of music. Whether you're a beginner or someone with a growing passion for guitar playing, here are some top tips for buying a … ...Read the rest.
“The Origin of Musical Instruments”
by Manuel Marino | Flute
Born in the early 20th century within African American cultures, jazz is a musical style that has influenced and evolved various genres of music. From the early 1910s to the 1990s, jazz played a pivotal role in shaping music. Its spread across the world inspired Inspired by nature - Artist Robert Tucker talks about himself and his artist experience in this exclusive article. Inspired by nature The glorious portal of a new year is again upon me. My mind has wondered since the start of 2008 as to which direction my creative self will take. For me a torrent of feelings were released in… styles ranging from early New Orleans Dixieland to Latin Afro-Cuban, even contributing to the development of funk and hip hop in the 1990s.
Jazz has also been influenced by a range of musical genres, such as R&B, funk, rock, and pop music. These styles helped shape jazz fusion into what we know as smooth jazz. Smooth jazz is frequently confused with modern jazz Jazz Gets Modern With Acid Jazz - I believe that anyone who appreciates music and acid jazz, or has a particular taste in musical genres, can agree that sometimes listening to … ...Read the rest.
“Jazz: The Growth of Contemporary Jazz Music”
by Manuel Marino | Flute
Among the various families of musical instruments, wind instruments are perhaps the first ones we become acquainted with in our lives. The recorder, for example, is possibly the first – and often also the only – instrument we try to play in school or even at preschool. However, the family of wind instruments also includes other instruments, from bagpipes to saxophones.
Firstly, it can be stated that wind instruments are those instruments that can produce sounds through a vibration of air, without using strings or vibrating membranes. Wind instruments are divided into two categories, depending on whether the vibrating air is contained in the instrument itself – as is the case with flutes, reeds, and brasses – or not. The family of flutes includes popular instruments like the recorder and the transverse flute, as well as less common instruments such as the piccolo and the ocarina. The term “reeds” refers to those instruments, like the clarinet, that have a thin plastic strip, called a reed, at the end of the mouthpiece, which vibrates with the pressure of the air. In addition to clarinets, this family also includes instruments such as saxophones, oboes, and bagpipes. The brass … ...Read the rest.
“The family of wind instruments: from the recorder to the horn”
by Manuel Marino | Flute
Kokopelli is a deity worshipped by many Native American Indian tribes in the Southwest as a fertility god. He is also associated with childbirth, agriculture, music, and magic, and is considered a trickster god. The earliest known images of Kokopelli appear on Hohokam pottery dated between 750 AD and 850 AD. Kokopelli is usually depicted as a humpbacked flute player with a large phallus and antenna-like protrusions on his head, although his likeness can vary greatly.
According to Hopi myth, Kokopelli carries unborn children on his back and distributes them to women. He is also believed to participate in wedding rituals and is sometimes depicted with a consort, a female figure known as Kokopelli-mana. In San Idelfonso, a Pueblo Village, Kokopelli is seen as a wandering minstrel with a sack of songs on his back who trades old songs for new ones. According to Navajo legend, Kokopelli is a god of harvest and plenty, and his sack is said to be made of clouds Creating Clouds - Frank Kane job is very particular... he creates clouds! He can do it through his C++ library for real-time sky and 3D cloud rendering, used worldwide by scores of games and … ...Read the rest.
“Kokopelli: a Humpbacked Flute Player”
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