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Manuel Marino

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Manuel is a passionate, driven, and techsavvy AV technician, artist and music composer with over ten years of experience, specializing in the captivating world of music and entertainment.

Manuel is an expert in creating soundtracks for short filmsfeature films and video games.

Manuel Music Blog is a diverse digital platform where creativity and intellect converge, covering a wide range of topics from 3D Art to Music, and Technology to Philosophy.

It’s a collaborative space that features the insights of both Manuel, contributors and participants, appealing to enthusiasts across various fields.

With dedicated sections for different arts, instruments, and cultural reflections, this blog serves as a rich resource for those seeking inspiration, knowledge, and a deep dive into the myriad aspects of artistic and technological exploration.

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Background Music in Promotional and Motivational YouTube Videos

background music

Music used in promotional and motivational YouTube videos has developed a distinctive style aimed at supporting voiceovers without drawing attention away from them. This trend has grown into something of a unique genre, as creators recognize the need for music that complements rather than competes with spoken messages. The role of background music How to Register and Order on My Film Music Orchestral Page - When you open my Film Music Orchestral page, if you are not registered on Fiverr, a pop-up will appear. You will need to choose how to register. It's very simple and takes just a few seconds. This is what will appear: After registering, the pop-up will disappear, and you will see this: From this page… in these videos is, in essence, to act as a subtle catalyst that drives the emotional tone without overpowering the voice.

One of the defining characteristics of this musical style is simplicity. The music typically follows a repetitive, yet evolving structure that adapts to the narrative flow. Smooth, gradual builds and releases help maintain energy levels, guiding listeners through the video’s story. Unlike traditional compositions, which often have multiple musical changes and layers, motivational background tracks usually revolve around steady …

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“Background Music in Promotional and Motivational YouTube Videos”

Useful Strategies For Landscape Photography

Landscape PhotographyLandscape photography The value of photographic prints - Stephan R. Lewis is a professional photographer. He accepted to share his knowledge with us, with this exclusive article. The value of photographic prints I have been in the photo industry trenches for a long time and have watched many things come and go in popularity. When I say 'trenches' I mean not the glamour… is an art form in itself. Some individuals possess a natural talent for it, while others improve through months or years of experience. If you’re just beginning with landscape photography or simply want to enhance your skills, here are six tips to help you become a better landscape photographer:

  1. Choose a point of interest: When you encounter a captivating subject, such as a beautiful mountain, focus on capturing that. Once you’ve selected your point of interest, move around to determine the ideal angle for your composition. Place the subject in the upper right, lower right, upper left, or lower left corner of the frame. Avoid positioning it directly in the center (though there are exceptions to this rule that you’ll learn through experience). To get a closer shot, move physically closer rather than relying on the zoom.
  2. Emphasize scale: Landscape photography often aims to convey the immense size of a subject, like a mountain range or a vast landscape. To achieve this, include an element that clearly demonstrates the scale of your subject. For example, when photographing a massive redwood tree, include a person standing at its base to highlight the size difference.
  3. Utilize the Golden Hour: The

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“Useful Strategies For Landscape Photography”

Landscape Painting Advise For Watercolor Artists

landscape paintingOne of the most significant challenges beginners face with any form of art City Scars - Graffiti and Fight For Urban Beauty - It is widely acknowledged that art is highly subjective and truly lies in the eye of the beholder. Often, differences of opinion merely reveal individual preferences, and it is generally agreed that these personal tastes should not override the freedom granted to the artist and their work. However, the issue of graffiti is one of… is the ability to truly connect with the creativity that resides within them. It can be difficult initially to let go and create from your inner self. Learning techniques is crucial, but there should be a point where you begin to draw from your unique creative abilities.

When painting a subject, whether it’s a person or a landscape, it’s essential to first observe your subject. You should try to paint closely and accurately to what you’re portraying. If you want to learn how to paint impressive landscapes, you should spend time near the area that inspires you to paint. Only then can you genuinely understand how to translate what you see onto the canvas.

Take a trip to the area you wish …

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“Landscape Painting Advise For Watercolor Artists”

How to Select an Art Gallery to Purchase Landscape Paintings

Many art museums could benefit from learning a bit about the history of landscape paintings. If you run an art gallery Appreciating Sculpture Art And What They're Made Of - Art can be expressed through various means, one of which is sculpture art. Ancient sculptures employed a range of materials, and this art form has been passed down through generations, continuing to be appreciated today. Statues, clay structures, and wood carvings are all examples of artistic expression. Many of these works are preserved and displayed… that sells landscape paintings, the following information may be useful to you. Landscape painting Landscape Painting Advise For Watercolor Artists - One of the most significant challenges beginners face with any form of art is the ability to truly connect with the creativity that resides within them. It can be difficult initially to let go and create from your inner self. Learning techniques is crucial, but there should be a point where you begin to draw… emerged as a distinct genre in the 16th century and became a popular subject for impressionists by the 19th century. In earlier times, descriptive landscapes that served as backgrounds for mythological or religious events were …

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“How to Select an Art Gallery to Purchase Landscape Paintings”

Art Australia: How to Take the Best Landscape Photography Shots?

In simple terms, landscape photography The value of photographic prints - Stephan R. Lewis is a professional photographer. He accepted to share his knowledge with us, with this exclusive article. The value of photographic prints I have been in the photo industry trenches for a long time and have watched many things come and go in popularity. When I say 'trenches' I mean not the glamour… is about capturing the beauty of natural landforms and elements in all their vastness and microscopic detail. In its purest form, this genre of photography aims to depict natural landscapes in their original state, without human influence or interference. The goal is to capture everything that is natural within the camera.

Australian landscape photography Useful Strategies For Landscape Photography - Landscape photography is an art form in itself. Some individuals possess a natural talent for it, while others improve through months or years of experience. If you're just beginning with landscape photography or simply want to enhance your skills, here are six tips to help you become a better landscape photographer: Choose a point of… is focused on capturing the abundant natural beauty that Australia possesses. However, landscapes are not limited to nature alone; they can also encompass urban, commercial, suburban, and rural areas or landscapes. These settings inevitably include elements of human intervention as well. If you want to excel in landscape photography, consider the following tips:

Depth of field: Achieving depth of field requires proper focus and setting a small aperture on the lens. The smaller the aperture, the greater the depth of field. However, if you keep reducing the aperture, less light will reach the camera’s sensors, meaning you’ll need to compensate by increasing the ISO or extending the shutter speed. ISO refers to the sensor’s sensitivity to incoming light, and with a smaller aperture, a higher ISO is necessary for better-quality images.

Tripod use: A tripod is a three-legged stand that keeps …

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“Art Australia: How to Take the Best Landscape Photography Shots?”

Modern Courtyard Landscape Design Ideas

Modern courtyards are an exceptional addition to any home, increasing its value while providing a versatile space for various purposes. To create the most visually appealing and functional courtyards, it’s essential to explore contemporary courtyard design ideas.

A contemporary courtyard typically features a minimalist design, which creates a sense of openness, space, and light, making it a relaxing area for lounging. Additionally, a minimalist design is easier to maintain and keep clean due to fewer items and less clutter. This allows you to effortlessly maintain its appearance and keep it looking fresh and sleek.

For the flooring, you might opt for tiles made from materials such as marble or concrete. It’s advisable to choose a light color to enhance the sense of space and cleanliness. Whites, light greys, and beiges are excellent choices, as darker or brighter colors can feel more oppressive. You might also consider having your tiles stamped or stained to add an extra design element, creating marble-like patterns that not only disguise dirt and dust but also make the space more attractive and upscale. Incorporating shapes or varying shades into the tiles can add interest to your contemporary courtyard design, which is something …

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“Modern Courtyard Landscape Design Ideas”