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Manuel Marino Music Composer

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Manuel is a passionate, driven, and techsavvy AV technician, artist and music composer with over ten years of experience, specializing in the captivating world of music and entertainment.

Manuel is an expert in creating soundtracks for short filmsfeature films and video games.

Manuel Music Blog is a diverse digital platform where creativity and intellect converge, covering a wide range of topics from 3D Art to Music, and Technology to Philosophy.

It’s a collaborative space that features the insights of both Manuel, contributors and participants, appealing to enthusiasts across various fields.

With dedicated sections for different arts, instruments, and cultural reflections, this blog serves as a rich resource for those seeking inspiration, knowledge, and a deep dive into the myriad aspects of artistic and technological exploration.

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Max Weber – the Life and Work of a Social Theorist (1864-1920)

Max Weber was a German political economist and sociologist, known as one of the leading figures in a unique generation of historic political economists in Germany during the 1890s. He was born on April 21, 1864, in Erfurt, Prussia, and after early research in the history of commercial law, he established himself as a prominent figure in political economy. In 1895, Weber became a full professor in political economy at Freiburg, and in the following year, he moved to Heidelberg.

Although a personal breakdown in 1898 led to his withdrawal from educational training, it did not impede the flow of his writing, which was extensive in range. Weber’s work focused on the mutual relationship between legal, political, and cultural formations on the one hand and economic activity on the other. His concern with these issues became increasingly theoretical, involving a systematization of the main categories of social and political existence, both universally and as definitive of the specific character of contemporary western civilization.

Weber established his initial standing in Germany with a study of the impact of capitalist business on the agricultural estates east of the Elbe and its implications for the continued dominance of the Junkers over …

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“Max Weber – the Life and Work of a Social Theorist (1864-1920)”

Sociology – Online Learning Opportunities

Accredited online schools and universities offer degree programs in sociology to prepare students for careers in the field. Many industries require trained professionals who have the ability to understand and interpret how people interact with each other. This knowledge is essential when working with different organizations and groups.

The study of human behavior and how it’s directly related to the way people relate within organizational policies makes up the field of sociology. This interaction is studied in terms of human behavior and how social, religious, and legal issues affect the way people communicate. Students can explore these issues and learn how different factors can influence or shape a person’s behavior. Within this broad major, students can learn about a range of disciplines that make up the overall description of the major and the job classifications in it. Students typically take multiple courses that teach them about anthropology, archaeology, linguistics, and more. Other work-related knowledge may include social class, movement, criminal behavior, and more. Prospective students are offered a range of online degree options that can fit their educational and career goals.

As the field spans multiple career fields, students must determine what career they wish to pursue before …

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“Sociology – Online Learning Opportunities”

Introduction to Sociology

Human beings are social creatures and cannot thrive in isolation. As a result, various issues related to relationships and behavior arise, requiring specialized attention for the smooth functioning of a dignified society. This gave rise to a completely new discipline known as Sociology.

In essence, Sociology studies human society as an interconnected whole. However, it should be noted that unscientific research cannot be considered sociology. Instead, it is a discipline that follows specific rules in its observation and analysis. One of its tasks is to uncover the connection between an individual issue and a public matter.

It is easy to see how a poverty-stricken family as a whole significantly contributes to the assessment of the social structure. The presence of a homeless couple in a society has highlighted homelessness as a public problem, leading to the implementation of programs like the Indira Awas Yojana from 1999-2000.

Therefore, actions and problems occurring at the individual level and within immediate relations can extend beyond regional boundaries and influence society as a whole.

Interestingly, society also greatly influences the individual status of a person. When a society becomes industrialized, a peasant becomes a worker, and a feudal lord either disappears …

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“Introduction to Sociology”

Functionalist Perspective of Sociology

Functionalism is regarded as the core perspectives of sociology.  Sociology examines the contexts in which folks reside and how these contexts affect them.  In essence, sociology examines the query of why the planet is the method it is.  Functionalism, together with conflict theory and interactionism, is regarded as the main universities of sociological thought, examining society through a functional framework which stresses that everything, regardless how apparently unusual, from destination, or dangerous, serves a purpose.

The functionalist perspective evolved within the work of Emile Durkheim, though it was shaped by Harvard sociologist Talcott Parsons during the mid-20th Century.  According to Bohm, functionalism is summed up with 1 easy premise: “the planet is a program of interrelated components, and each piece makes a required contribution to the energy of the program.”

Functionalism holds that everyone and everything in society, regardless how unusual it will appear, serves a purpose.  Crime, for illustration, is viewed virtually universally as a nuisance.  Functionalists, nevertheless, point out that crime serves many reasons.  Crime creates the need for the work of authorities officers, criminal investigators, prosecutors, protection attorneys, lawmakers and different associated fields of work.  If crime were to suddenly disappear within the world, hundreds of thousands …

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“Functionalist Perspective of Sociology”

Sociology, Culture and Economics

It has been frequently mentioned that Cash is King, and the current American culture would readily agree. A brief examination of the present financial state in the United States further supports this statement. Looking back at history, it becomes evident that financial status has directly influenced sociology and culture as a whole since the dawn of human existence.

To understand how economics affects sociology and culture, one needs a basic understanding of sociology, culture, and economics. Sociology, in its simplest form, applies the scientific method to the social world. It aims to analyze society (pure sociology) and, based on that analysis, seek to reform society (applied sociology). Sociologists observe cultures and events as objectively as possible and document their findings. If practicing applied sociology, they compile reports identifying social issues and behaviors, offering explanations and solutions for the observed problems.

Culture can be understood as patterns of human activity. Underlying this basic definition are symbolic structures and traditions that provide the foundation of culture. Based on this understanding, it is reasonable to assume that people shape their culture rather than the common belief that culture shapes people. However, it is also reasonable to acknowledge that when confronted with …

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“Sociology, Culture and Economics”

The History of Maple Syrup

The history of maple syrup is fascinating and educational, offering numerous insights into the social dynamics of early North America. The first known producers of maple syrup were the Native Americans residing in the northeastern region of North America, long before the arrival of the first Europeans. Using an ancient method of tapping the sweet sap from maple trees, these early tribes transformed the juice into a high-calorie winter food source. The Native Americans displayed their technological prowess by teaching the initially European colonies how to extract syrup from the trees.

The Europeans quickly assimilated this knowledge and introduced their own expertise in metallurgy, storage, and transportation into the process, thereby leaving their mark on the history of maple syrup. The harvested sap was taken to a “sugar shack,” where it could be conveniently stored in buildings cooled by rivers.

To convert the sap into syrup, it had to undergo the laborious task of being boiled in large cauldrons. Stirring was necessary to prevent crystallization. By the 1800s, the process had been refined and improved. “Country Sugar,” as the maple sweetener was known, became the most popular sweetener in North America for a considerable period.

Enterprising Americans introduced …

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“The History of Maple Syrup”