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Manuel Marino

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Manuel is a passionate, driven, and techsavvy AV technician, artist and music composer with over ten years of experience, specializing in the captivating world of music and entertainment.

Manuel is an expert in creating soundtracks for short filmsfeature films and video games.

Manuel Music Blog is a diverse digital platform where creativity and intellect converge, covering a wide range of topics from 3D Art to Music, and Technology to Philosophy.

It’s a collaborative space that features the insights of both Manuel, contributors and participants, appealing to enthusiasts across various fields.

With dedicated sections for different arts, instruments, and cultural reflections, this blog serves as a rich resource for those seeking inspiration, knowledge, and a deep dive into the myriad aspects of artistic and technological exploration.

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YCT and Triple Deuce
Photo by Mike Philippens

Guitar and rock music go hand in hand, and it’s no surprise that many rock songs or compositions feature short or extended lead guitar solos. Mastering Music Production - Improve Your Sound - The rise in popularity of work-from-home studios has significantly impacted the music production landscape in recent years, driven by the increasing availability of tools and technology. This growth has led to the emergence of mobile recording rigs, making it possible to record full band performances anywhere. While one might anticipate a wealth of high-quality music,… lead guitar solos involves utilizing different scales and guitar improvisation techniques such as hybrid picking and legato technique.

There is a wide range of guitar improvisation techniques available, and one such technique is hybrid picking. Hybrid picking can add a completely new dimension Mysterious Disappearances - Other Dimensions - What do we mean for other dimensions? Part One - The Case of Orion Williamson Is our planet truly three-dimensional, or are there portals that involuntarily transport us into other dimensions? Reports of individuals disappearing in the presence of witnesses are occurring worldwide, with one of the most notable cases being that of Orion Williamson.… to the sound produced by your lead guitar. It is a guitar improvisation system that is particularly popular among guitarists in music genres like blues, rock, country, bluegrass, and even jazz. One guitar legend who utilized hybrid picking very effectively is Stevie Ray Vaughan, who employed it in rendering a solo in “Lenny.”

Hybrid picking is a guitar improvisation technique where you use both your fingers and a pick simultaneously to pluck the guitar strings or chords. The advantage is that you can use your pick to play lead guitar, which usually requires the fingerstyle mode of playing.

With hybrid picking, you can also execute wide string leaps, such as jumping from the 5th string right to the 1st string, which can be quite challenging otherwise. To effectively utilize the hybrid picking guitar improvisation technique, you need to hold your pick between your index finger and thumb.

Legato Technique

The legato technique is another powerful guitar improvisation technique that produces smooth, connected notes similar to those produced through hammer-ons and pull-offs.

Legato guitar improvisation technique has been effectively used for solo performances by renowned guitarists like Joe Satriani, Alan Holdsworth, and Steve Vai. The notes involved in the legato technique require you to hammer-on the notes without picking them. You can start practicing this technique at a tempo of 60 beats per minute (bpm).

By mastering these guitar improvisation techniques, such as hybrid picking and legato, you can enhance your lead guitar solos and create impressive and expressive musical passages. Keep practicing and exploring different techniques to expand your repertoire and take your rock guitar playing Strumming Practicing The Guitar - Practicing the guitar takes time and dedication. Learning to play the instrument requires consistent practice, but it doesn't guarantee that you'll become a rock star. Nonetheless, with regular practice and skill development, you can still achieve proficiency. There are two methods to start strumming a guitar: using your fingers or using a pick. Find a… to new heights.

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