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Manuel Marino

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Manuel is a passionate, driven, and techsavvy AV technician, artist and music composer with over ten years of experience, specializing in the captivating world of music and entertainment.

Manuel is an expert in creating soundtracks for short filmsfeature films and video games.

Manuel Music Blog is a diverse digital platform where creativity and intellect converge, covering a wide range of topics from 3D Art to Music, and Technology to Philosophy.

It’s a collaborative space that features the insights of both Manuel, contributors and participants, appealing to enthusiasts across various fields.

With dedicated sections for different arts, instruments, and cultural reflections, this blog serves as a rich resource for those seeking inspiration, knowledge, and a deep dive into the myriad aspects of artistic and technological exploration.

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To become a proficient composer, one of the key qualities you need to cultivate is the ability to trust your own judgment. Often, we place others on a pedestal and undermine our own inner knowledge when entering the field of musical composition. This trait manifests in various aspects of life, but in the realm of music composition, it can be paralyzing and restrict the extent and authenticity of your creative output.

To overcome this limitation, it is important to have a strategy to address it when it arises. One of the main weapons in your arsenal is a solid foundation in the fundamentals of music, such as melody, harmony, rhythm, and arrangement. If you find yourself stuck, you can rely on these tools to extricate yourself from a state of inertia. Moreover, possessing sufficient knowledge about musical craft will prevent you from second-guessing yourself and prioritizing someone else’s opinion over your own. Having a range of options will help you overcome obstacles and keep the music flowing.

Understanding the principles of music is also beneficial. Sometimes, a composer becomes a one-trick pony, relying on a limited skill set, and when that approach has been exhausted, they have little left to continue with. Knowing the basic principles of music can serve as a guide to keep the creative process Painting: A Spiritual Pathway to the Divine - In a world increasingly driven by technology and fast-paced living, the art of painting provides an oasis of calm and introspection. It allows both the artist and the observer to delve deep into a realm often considered transcendental. For many, painting serves as a bridge to the divine, a medium through which spirituality is explored… going. When the creative right brain is not functioning optimally, you can rely on the left-brained tools to keep things moving. While excessive reliance on rules can stifle creativity, striking a balance between rules and open-ended exploration can be a fruitful combination.

Often, a composition may not be working out as planned. Instead of berating yourself and forcing yourself to continue, it might be beneficial to set it aside until you can approach it with a fresh perspective. Some of the best compositions arise effortlessly and organically. Knowing when to put something aside for later, rather than giving up entirely, is a valuable skill to develop.

Improvisation is a wonderful way to keep the creative juices flowing. Experimenting on a guitar, keyboard, or piano until something captivating emerges can be a fruitful approach. Once you find something that grabs your attention, whether it’s a melody, rhythm, or chord progression, you have a foundation to develop. The rules and other musical tools can then be employed to further refine and expand upon the initial idea.

Ultimately, composing music is about expressing your unique voice in sound. While we are all similar in some ways, each of us brings our own distinctive variation to the table. Trust in what sets your music apart and allow it to shine through. Even if you come across a composition that you don’t think anyone will appreciate or enjoy, finish it or further develop it anyway. You can learn a great deal about yourself in the process and potentially create something truly unique. Surprisingly, in our vast world, there is always an audience of some sort for most of what we can express. Trust yourself and trust in the creative process, and let your music flow forth.

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