by Manuel Marino | Audio, Internet, Music, Technology

Photo by cdrummbks
For those who wish to market their music online, the internet The World-wide-web Niche - The global economy has been severely impacted. Millions of people have lost their jobs, many are losing their homes, and retirement portfolios are disappearing at an alarming rate. What happens in the World Wide Web? We often discuss the global financial tsunami, an economic crisis on a scale that rivals the Great Depression of the… has provided a great deal of flexibility. It has been proven to be cost-effective in terms of sharing information online compared to the high costs associated with releasing music on physical formats.
Today, the internet is a powerful tool. However, if you were an artist or band looking to release your music, you typically had to rely on a record label or publisher to sign you. Alternatively, if you had the financial means, you would need to find a distributor who could get your tracks onto various formats, provide specialized mastering Music Production - Improve Your Sound - The rise in popularity of work-from-home studios has significantly impacted the music production landscape in recent years, driven by the increasing availability of tools and technology. This growth has led to the emergence of mobile recording rigs, making it possible to record full band performances anywhere. While one might anticipate a wealth of high-quality music,… technicians, and deliver your content to record stores.
But even if you’re an artist or band with limited funds and connections, there are still ways to make your music available. Digital music The Evolution of Music and the Digital Era: A Personal Journey - As we stand at the crossroads of technological innovation and creative expression, I find myself reflecting on my journey in the music industry—a journey that began in the late '90s, a pivotal era that marked the beginning of a digital music revolution. It was a time when emerged as a groundbreaking platform, offering independent… releases mean you don’t have to rely on intermediaries to bring your music to the public. This gives artists or bands more control over how they choose to distribute their music. By bypassing the need for a publisher, they can retain a greater amount of rights over their content.
This new method of releasing music not only benefits artists and bands, but it … ...Read the rest.
“How To Sell Music Online”
by Manuel Marino | Music

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A music shop is a captivating place to visit, where one can find and admire all the instruments that create beautiful melodies. For those who are not yet musicians, these shops serve as the starting point for their magical journey into the world of auditory delights. Let’s take a look at some of the products that can be found in the realm of sounds.
Pianos are akin to playing a harp with small felt-covered hammers, resulting in a pleasing and soulful outcome for the ear. These instruments come in three models: spinet, console, and grand. Additionally, there is an electronic adaptation called the Electronic Piano. All of these are touch-sensitive and cater to the expressive demands of composers.
Guitars are also acoustic instruments with six strings that can be plucked, picked, or strummed. By selecting single notes or chords, one can create auditory beauty from these exquisite wooden boxes. They are tuned using tuning pins located at the far end of the fretboard and can be equipped with electronic pickups for use in stage bands.
Percussion instruments include snare drums, bass drums, and cymbals, which form a typical collection for a stage band. They play a crucial … ...Read the rest.
“An Overview Of A Music Store”
by Manuel Marino | Music

Photo by Seiya234
Many of us have read and heard about the devastating destruction caused by the earthquake that struck Japan on March 11, and so has Taylor Hanson. However, unlike the general public, Hanson possesses the financial resources and influence to provide assistance to those in need during this crisis. And that’s exactly what he did by organizing a charity concert in a remarkably short amount of time.
The Hanson band happened to be in Austin for the South by Southwest music festival, and they immediately began brainstorming ideas. Less than 12 hours later, all the major preparations had been made. The band, consisting of siblings, reached out to agents, organizers, and fellow musicians, and everything fell into place seamlessly. In an interview with MTV News at the studio where the concert was set to take place, Taylor Hanson expressed their belief that the music community at South by Southwest should be about more than just individual artists’ promotion. They wanted it to be a platform for providing relief to the millions affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.
To their surprise, nothing was being done about it, and the festival seemed to focus primarily on individual artists’ … ...Read the rest.
“Hanson Explains SXSW – Japanese Quake – Benefit Concert”
by Manuel Marino | Music

Photo by mlhradio
It was 10 years ago when the Strokes delivered a memorable performance at the South by Southwest music festival at the intimate Iron Cactus venue. After a decade-long hiatus, the band made a triumphant return to the annual music event on Thursday and held a free concert at the Auditorium Shores location, with the stunning Austin skyline as the backdrop.
The band made their entrance on stage to the tune of “We Will Rock You,” but kicked off the proceedings with the opening track from Room on Fire, “What Ever Happened?” Lead singer Julian Casablancas, gripping the microphone in his trademark double-handed stranglehold, crooned, “I want to be forgotten, and I don’t want to be reminded.” It seemed like he wanted to express his genuine emotions through the song’s famous lyrics, and the audience went wild, with some even pushing against the fences just to catch a glimpse of their revered band. The vast arena deviated from the typical SXSW yearly traditions but quickly filled up as the Strokes sought to find their rhythm, showcasing the influence of indie bands on the masses.
Casablancas, dressed in a black leather jacket, wearing a calculator watch and nighttime eyewear, … ...Read the rest.
“‘The Strokes’; Journey of Success”
by Manuel Marino | Music, Voice

Photo by odetothebigsea
If you haven’t used in-ear monitors on stage while singing, you’ll be surprised at the impact they can have on your performance. Even the most affordable models work well enough to be worth the investment and can instantly enhance your vocal performance.
I have always emphasized and continue to emphasize that the best thing anyone can do to improve their singing is to learn how to listen carefully. Listening includes hearing. By using these in-ear monitors, you’ll be able to hear your vocals clearly, and as a result, you can sing stronger immediately because it’s much easier to hear yourself. The first time I used these devices during a rehearsal with my rock band The Invictas are back - Bruce Atchison is one of my (no more available Yahoo Group) best members and he wrote this great article. Bruce is a legally blind freelance writer and the author of two books, When a Man Loves a Rabbit (Learning and Living With Bunnies) and Deliverance from Jericho (Six Years in a Blind School). The first… , after just a few songs, the band members remarked, “You’ve never sounded better!”
But that’s not the coolest part. There are various types and models of earbuds available for these professional sound systems, and many of them are sound isolating. This helps reduce the volume level on stage, protecting your ears, while still allowing you to hear your voice clearly.
The end result of this is that you’re preserving your hearing. Additionally, you’ll likely find that you’re less fatigued at the end of … ...Read the rest.
“Using In Ear Monitors Improves Your Voice”
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