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Manuel Marino Music Composer

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Manuel is a passionate, driven, and techsavvy AV technician, artist and music composer with over ten years of experience, specializing in the captivating world of music and entertainment.

Manuel is an expert in creating soundtracks for short filmsfeature films and video games.

Manuel Music Blog is a diverse digital platform where creativity and intellect converge, covering a wide range of topics from 3D Art to Music, and Technology to Philosophy.

It’s a collaborative space that features the insights of both Manuel, contributors and participants, appealing to enthusiasts across various fields.

With dedicated sections for different arts, instruments, and cultural reflections, this blog serves as a rich resource for those seeking inspiration, knowledge, and a deep dive into the myriad aspects of artistic and technological exploration.

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Beginners Guide To Electric Guitar – Buying Guide

les paul on blue - knobs
Photo by Chewy Chua

When embarking on the journey of purchasing your first electric guitar How to Buy a Guitar - The guitar is known for its dynamic and unique sound, making it a popular instrument in various genres of music. Whether you're a beginner or someone with a growing passion for guitar playing, here are some top tips for buying a guitar: Seek out advice. Start by seeking guidance from someone you know who has… , it’s important to understand some factors before diving into a world where the abundance of options can be overwhelming. There are electric guitars of various makes, models, and designs, each tailored for specific types of music, and then there is the price.

Ensure that when you enter a store, you choose one with a reputable reputation. You can determine this by the presence of experienced players in the shop. In such a store, the staff will work with you and not try to push you into buying the most expensive item. If you are a beginner, there are affordable electric guitars available today that sound great. It’s tempting to go for the most visually appealing one, but it’s best to take things step-by-step …

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“Beginners Guide To Electric Guitar – Buying Guide”

Understanding Post Production Color Correction

Gel Samples
Photo by Joseph Cote

One notable aspect of post-production color correction is the availability of various software options to accomplish this task. The use of software makes the entire process easier and faster compared to traditional methods. These digital tools integrated into the software are much simpler to use.

There are gels available in the market or software designed for digital images that allow individuals to achieve a wide range of hues. Their application depends on the desired results. They can be combined with other sources to create various color combinations. The beauty of technology is that even if someone creates something they are not satisfied with, they can easily modify it to make it more desirable.

There are gels or software tools that can make scenes appear more natural, which can be quite exciting. The goal is to blend the colors seamlessly and produce an image that looks as though it occurred naturally. This is particularly useful in situations where there are different types of lighting.

To accomplish this, individuals require various digital tools. Instead of using traditional tools, modern ones such as masks, power windows, and similar tools can be used. There are several software options available in …

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“Understanding Post Production Color Correction”

Screenwriting for Authors – How to Begin a Screenplay

Can I Offer You A Drink?
Photo by Avelino Maestas

The initial few pages of a screenplay are crucial as they often determine whether executives or readers become interested in the story. That’s why it’s important for your screenplay to have a strong and captivating beginning. Here are some proven screenwriting techniques to start your story effectively:

ACTION, ACTION, ACTION – Take inspiration from James Bond films and begin with an action-packed sequence that may or may not be directly related to the main story. For example, a police detective attempts to arrest drug dealers, leading to a gunfight and a thrilling chase scene.

A REAL BEGINNING – Introduce your hero or heroine as they arrive in a new city at an airport or train station. They may start their first day at a new job in a hot company, and a peculiar and creepy individual moves in next door. The hero might also meet someone influential, such as a love interest, mentor, or nemesis.

A DAY IN THE LIFE – Show us the protagonist going about their daily routine. For instance, a single mother prepares breakfast for her kids, sends them off to school, and then heads to work. A lawyer could be seen arguing …

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“Screenwriting for Authors – How to Begin a Screenplay”

Budget Home Theater Subwoofers

Big Blue | SAT 12 and SUB 15 Universal
Photo by PascalSijen

If you’re like most people, you have a budget to follow when searching for a subwoofer for your home theater. Even with a budget, you still want to get the best subwoofer possible for your money. In most cases, you’re not necessarily looking for a subwoofer that can wake up the neighbors three houses down.

What many people desire is to enhance their home theater experience with some low-end bass that a subwoofer provides, without shaking up their insides with excessive sound waves. They are looking for clean, clear bass – what some would describe as precise bass that sounds great when watching a movie. If this is what you’re looking for, then this article is for you.

What Defines a Budget Subwoofer?

A budget subwoofer is typically considered to be in the price range of around $300. You can spend thousands of dollars on a subwoofer if you want to, with high-end options ranging from $700 to $1000. On the lower end, budget subwoofers can be found for $210 and below.

What to Expect from a Budget Subwoofer

A budget subwoofer will meet the needs of 95% of the population. It will provide you with precise, …

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“Budget Home Theater Subwoofers”

Guitar Playing Style – Just What Does It Take To Play The Lead Guitar?

Cursive @ Variety Playhouse 2004
Photo by Mike White | Deadlydesigns.com

The lead guitar is a crucial element in a band, often responsible for guitar solos, instrumental fill passages, and melody lines within a song. The lead guitarist is the featured player, frequently performing double-stops or single-note-based lines.

In rock, heavy metal, blues, jazz, fusion, certain pop, and other music genres, the lead guitar is commonly supported by another guitarist who plays rhythm guitar. The rhythm guitar involves playing accompanying chords and riffs, often with distortion effects.

The terms “lead guitar” and “rhythm guitar” simply refer to different playing styles within a band and are not specific to particular types of guitars. In a band with multiple guitars, there is typically a noticeable distinction between the lead and rhythm guitars, although the line can sometimes be blurred. Some guitarists may play together as a tandem, exchanging lead and rhythm parts, while others may share both lead and rhythm roles throughout a performance.

Additionally, multiple guitarists playing different notes can create chord patterns and harmonies, combining these with various effects to produce unique and impactful sounds. Lead guitarists contribute solo runs to songs and often use the structure provided by the rhythm guitarist as a foundation …

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“Guitar Playing Style – Just What Does It Take To Play The Lead Guitar?”