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Manuel Marino Music Composer

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Manuel is a passionate, driven, and techsavvy AV technician, artist and music composer with over ten years of experience, specializing in the captivating world of music and entertainment.

Manuel is an expert in creating soundtracks for short filmsfeature films and video games.

Manuel Music Blog is a diverse digital platform where creativity and intellect converge, covering a wide range of topics from 3D Art to Music, and Technology to Philosophy.

It’s a collaborative space that features the insights of both Manuel, contributors and participants, appealing to enthusiasts across various fields.

With dedicated sections for different arts, instruments, and cultural reflections, this blog serves as a rich resource for those seeking inspiration, knowledge, and a deep dive into the myriad aspects of artistic and technological exploration.

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An Easy Guitar Song To Learn

Photorealistic Vector Guitar
Photo by Vectorportal

Learning guitar Learn Novice Guitar - There are only a few ways to learn how to play the novice guitar. Fortunately, there is a new and improved method that allows beginners to learn faster and have more fun in the process. This method involves using specially designed software. Novice Guitar Learning novice guitar involves more than just notes and chords. The… can be a challenging endeavor, especially if you lack musical aptitude or struggle with finger dexterity. However, instead of investing countless hours in guitar lessons What's the Most Readily Useful Electric Guitar For Guitar Lessons? - There are several variations, but primarily three types of guitars to consider when starting guitar lessons: Classical Acoustic, Acoustic, and Electric. Many beginners start guitar lessons with a classical acoustic or steel-string guitar. These are the most common types available for borrowing, and it's less likely you'll be loaned a more complex guitar. Learning on… , why not emulate a guitar pro and impress others with an easy-to-learn guitar song Electric Guitar Songs - Many people want to play guitar songs without having to learn strumming and fingerpicking techniques. So, what is the quickest way to learn how to play

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“An Easy Guitar Song To Learn”

From Motown to Hip Hop

Hip Hop Penguin
Photo by Clay Larsen

Growing up in the city of Detroit during the early sixties was a remarkable time for music. It was a period when the unique and distinctive sound of Motown records could be heard playing on the streets, in nightclubs, at house parties, and on radio stations everywhere. Soulful R&B records were a common feature on jukeboxes, while people danced in the streets or sang love songs in barber shops and beauty parlors. These tunes captivated the hearts of countless people around the world. It was a time when music was all about vinyl records and rhythm and blues The Annals Of Blues Guitar - The blues guitar is a genre of music that can be vocal, instrumental or both. It primarily uses the 'blue' notes, which are based on a 'minor pentatonic' scale, also known as the blues scale. Blues music originated in African-American communities in the U.S., drawing from work songs, spirituals, field hollers, chants, shouts, and simple… soul, with no CDs or hip-hop music in sight.

The songs produced by Motown songwriters during the 60s and 70s had deep meaning. They were songs that spoke about real love, current events, and the heartaches and …

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“From Motown to Hip Hop”

Entertainment Features of the HTC Incredible 2

E3 2011 - Sony Media Event - PS3 services and features
Photo by popculturegeek.com

Looking for a phone that can handle any task in the world is arguably a waste of time. There are numerous phones available now that meet the same requirements, which can confuse someone who is searching for a new phone. With so many options, consumers may find it even harder to choose between an MP3 player or a gaming system, making the decision more challenging. However, some of the new HTC devices solve these problems. The Incredible 2 is a mobile phone that excels in any task, whether it’s playing music or games, and it won’t disappoint consumers.

In addition to the device itself, consumers also want to find accessories that enhance the functionality and appearance of their phone. Accessories offer consumers an almost limitless range of products to choose from. Cases and screen protectors are among the best items that consumers can purchase for their device. When compared to the iPod or the Nintendo 3DS, the Incredible 2 offers a wider selection of accessories, allowing consumers to see the difference between the devices.

Perhaps the most important aspect of a smartphone for consumers is its multimedia features. Every handheld device is evaluated based on specific criteria, …

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“Entertainment Features of the HTC Incredible 2”

Fundamental Components Of Guitar Chords

DAY 56/365: Six String
Photo by dcosand

Guitar chords are formed when a combination of at least three or more notes are played simultaneously. They create harmonious sounds by pressing down specific notes on all strings together or on a combination of individual strings.

In popular music, the most commonly known instruments have six strings. Each string is tuned from the lowest pitch to the highest pitch, designated with the letters E-A-D-G-B-E. The thinnest string has the highest pitch and is called the first string, while the thickest string has the lowest pitch and is designated as the sixth string.

Some players use a finger slide to transition between pitches easily. The intervals between most strings are tuned to perfect fourths, except for the interval between the second B string and the third G string, which forms a major third.

In heavy metal and hard rock music, the tuning is slightly different. Known as Drop D tuning, the low E string is tuned to a D. This creates power tuning, where the bottom three strings become a root fifth octave, D-A-D.

The five primary chord shapes are A Major, C Major, D Major, E Major, and G Major. These major triads serve as fundamental …

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“Fundamental Components Of Guitar Chords”

Electric Guitar – The Effective Tips To Perfecting It Within Weeks

Photo by amar_sarit

Today, music is increasingly shifting towards digital instruments, and the electric guitar Learn Novice Guitar - There are only a few ways to learn how to play the novice guitar. Fortunately, there is a new and improved method that allows beginners to learn faster and have more fun in the process. This method involves using specially designed software. Novice Guitar Learning novice guitar involves more than just notes and chords. The… has become a popular choice for new musicians. It offers a wider range of sound effects Music in Sound Design - Music in Sound Design Music offers numerous ways to convey various emotions and settings in the realm of sound design. For instance, specific melodies and instruments can transport listeners to distinct geographical locations: tribal drums and vocals evoke Africa, majestic horns and flutes suggest the Andes mountains, and traditional oriental instruments bring Asia to mind.… compared to an acoustic guitar How to Buy a Guitar - The guitar is known for its dynamic and unique sound, making it a popular instrument in various genres of music. Whether you're a beginner or someone with a growing passion for guitar playing, here are some top tips for

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“Electric Guitar – The Effective Tips To Perfecting It Within Weeks”