It is possible for an online marketer to generate revenue by selling eBooks. However, in order to make substantial profits, it is essential to offer multiple products. The more products you have, the more opportunities you have to make a sale.
One of the best ways to create new products quickly is to convert your eBooks into audio files.
These audio files can be marketed in various ways and can serve as alternative products without the need to create new content.
- You can add audio packaging and sell as an audio file
When recording an audio book of any kind, the audio consists of four components. The first part is the audio book itself, which is a voice simply reading the eBook. The second element is an introduction or opening credits, taking the place of the front matter in the eBook. The third element is the conclusion or closing credits, which include details such as copyright statements and comprehensive credits for the creators of the audio book. Lastly, there is the background music How to Register and Order on My Film Music Orchestral Page - When you open my Film Music Orchestral page, if you are not registered on Fiverr, a pop-up will appear. You will need to choose how to register. It's very simple and takes just a few seconds. This is what will appear: After registering, the pop-up will disappear, and you will see this: From this page… that sets the mood and carries the book through pauses. Together, these elements form the audio package or final product, which is typically in MP3 format.
- You can put them onto CDs and sell as an audio book
One of the advantages of creating an audio file or MP3 first is that you automatically edit and produce the audio packaging. If you then convert the MP3 into a CD format file, you have a fully functional audio book on CD. The only issue is that CDs are limited to around 80 minutes of recording. Depending on the length of the audio file, you may need to create multiple chapters and CDs. One approach is to consistently record an introduction for each segment, allowing you to divide the CDs by chapters without having to record a separate introduction for the second (or third or fourth) CD.
- You can split them up by chapters and use as podcasts
If your chapters have their own introductions, you can divide each segment and sell the product as a series of podcasts. However, individual chapters are often too long to use as podcasts. In such cases, divide the audio file into sections. Typically, your eBook chapter will separate into two or three independent sections as you develop the argument within the chapter. Create an introductory audio for each podcast and a conclusion, both of which are shorter than typical CD credits. You may also find that you need to add some information to ensure the sections still make sense as a whole. Recombine and then sell as a podcast series using a subscription model.
- You can combine them with the eBook as a premium product
Once you’ve created an audio version of the eBook, in any format, you always have the option of combining the audio version with the eBook version to create a premium product. In fact, if your eBook is long enough, consider using a print-on-demand publisher to combine a print version of the eBook with a CD version of the audio into a Gold premium product.
Manuel Marino is a seasoned Senior Producer, Music Composer, and Artist with over a decade of experience. He specializes in branded entertainment across various mediums, including video games, films, and advertising campaigns. With 20+ years as a game music composer, Manuel has worked on numerous platforms, creating diverse orchestral soundtracks. HIRE ME