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Manuel Marino Music Composer

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Manuel Marino Music Blog

3d ArtArtsAudioBassBusinessCultureDrumsFluteGamesGuitarHobbiesInternetMasteringMoviesMusicPaintingPhilosophyPianoTechnologyViolinVoiceWritings

Manuel is a passionate, driven, and techsavvy AV technician, artist and music composer with over ten years of experience, specializing in the captivating world of music and entertainment.

Manuel is an expert in creating soundtracks for short filmsfeature films and video games.

Manuel Music Blog is a diverse digital platform where creativity and intellect converge, covering a wide range of topics from 3D Art to Music, and Technology to Philosophy.

It’s a collaborative space that features the insights of both Manuel, contributors and participants, appealing to enthusiasts across various fields.

With dedicated sections for different arts, instruments, and cultural reflections, this blog serves as a rich resource for those seeking inspiration, knowledge, and a deep dive into the myriad aspects of artistic and technological exploration.

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The Instruments That Shaped Rock N’ Roll

Boppin´B - Altstadtfest Friedberg 2008
Photo by Jorbasa

It is nearly impossible to envision a rock ‘n’ roll band without the frontman playing a guitar. That’s because the guitar has played such a prominent role in shaping rock and roll. With a guitar, a skilled player can create any sound they desire, whether it’s a sweet, mellow tone or an aggressive, distortion-soaked growl. Much of rock and roll is characterized by its loud and powerful nature, but there are also subtle and quiet moments, and the guitar has always risen to the challenge. Even to this day, musicians haven’t exhausted the sonic possibilities of the instrument. As a result, the guitar has rightfully earned its throne as the king of rock and roll instruments.

The drums, along with the bass, provide the rhythmic foundation for rock music. Drums are loud and can handle aggression and powerful beats, delivering a strong bottom-end sound. Because drums are such a powerful rhythmic instrument, they naturally find their place in a rock band The Invictas are back - Bruce Atchison is one of my (no more available Yahoo Group) best members and he wrote this great article. Bruce is a legally blind freelance writer and the author of two

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“The Instruments That Shaped Rock N’ Roll”

Understanding the Types of Computer Microphones

Podcast setup - an iMac and an MXL 990
Photo by the tartanpodcast

There is a wide range of PC microphones, each of which is ideally suited for different purposes. This gives you the freedom to choose the right microphone for your needs. There are microphones that are perfect for online gaming, for use in a business or home office, or microphones that are great for simple conversation. Let me explain the best types of microphones for each of these uses.

Headset Microphones:

Headset microphones work extremely well for a wide range of purposes. Whether you’re making calls, talking with business contacts, dictating to voice recognition software, recording a video or audio clip, or playing games, there’s a headset microphone for you. Headset microphones can keep others from hearing your conversation as many of them come with headphones. Make sure to get a microphone that features sound cancellation technology, which is almost standard nowadays.

Gamers prefer to use headsets with earphones that fully cover the ears in order to block out other sounds in the room, such as music, TV, or conversations. There are high-end microphone headsets available so that players can be fully immersed in the game with top-quality sound.

Desktop Microphones:

If multiple people are involved in …

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“Understanding the Types of Computer Microphones”

Screenwriting for Authors – Common Mistakes You Must Avoid Part 3

Picture 042
Photo by johninnit

This is the third article in a series discussing the mistakes commonly made by beginning screenwriters, even if they have experience as novelists. If you haven’t read the previous two articles, this one can stand alone. Here are some more screenwriting errors to avoid:

TOO MUCH INFO TOO SOON – One common mistake is starting the screenplay with an excessive amount of background information. While this might work in a novel, it is fatal and boring in a screenplay. Provide just enough information to pique our interest and to understand what is happening. Then reveal more information as the story unfolds and as we need to know it. Skilled screenwriters often find ways to tantalize the reader, making them eager to learn more, which keeps them engaged and turning the pages.

LONG SCENES – Scenes in modern movies need to be concise, typically lasting 2 to 4 pages, although key scenes can and often should be longer. The preference for shorter scenes is influenced in part by the impact of music videos with their quick-cut visuals and shorter time frames.

ON-THE-NOSE – This term describes dialogue that is overly obvious and lacks creativity. For example, saying “She …

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“Screenwriting for Authors – Common Mistakes You Must Avoid Part 3”

Learning The Guitar – A Reliable Guide To The Guitar’s Colorful History

Novaes - Handcrafted Acoustic Guitars
Photo by dereckesanches

Musical instruments, such as the guitar, can impart a variety of attitudes and qualities to those who play them. In learning the guitar 5 guidelines in Mastering the Guitar - Mastering the guitar is undoubtedly one of the most captivating musical instruments we can encounter. If you have recently begun learning to play the guitar or have already mastered a song or two and aspire to become proficient, here are some tips to expedite your learning process and enhance your skills with the guitar. Choose… , you will experience your first taste of passion. You will come to understand the value of perseverance and learn many other important and cherished lessons, many of which relate to one’s emotions and character.

The guitar has a rich history. The Spanish vihuela is considered an advanced precursor to the guitar we know today, with its lute-style tuning and a small yet guitar-like body. Instrument-makers and acoustic guitar How to Buy a Guitar - The guitar is known for its dynamic and unique sound, making it a popular instrument in various genres of music. Whether you're a beginner or someone with a growing passion for guitar playing, here are some top

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“Learning The Guitar – A Reliable Guide To The Guitar’s Colorful History”

16 Tips To Enhance Your Home With Oil Paintings Reproductions

Bouquet of Flowers - Oil Painting Replica by Fabulous Masterpieces
Photo by FabulousMasterpieces

Whether you’re selecting a large or small oil painting Methods To Becoming An Oil Painting Artist - Do you aspire to become an artist? Are you particularly interested in oil painting? If so, you're in luck, as this article will guide you on how to become an oil painting artist. Numerous courses are available today that you can enroll… reproduction, it is important to follow some easy-to-follow guidance to ensure that your purchase truly enhances your home decor. We all have favorite painters, whether it’s Monet or Van Gogh, but the choice is ultimately yours.

  1. Choose a painting that brings you personal enjoyment.
  2. The painting you choose should complement the overall ambiance of your decor.
  3. Avoid selecting a painting that overwhelms the space. It should have a “wow” factor without dominating the overall impact.
  4. Make it a personal choice when purchasing your painting.
  5. Use the painting to highlight a space rather than letting the space overshadow the painting. Remember that the painting should be the focal point.
  6. Proper lighting is crucial to display your painting to its best advantage.
  7. Once you’ve chosen a theme,

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“16 Tips To Enhance Your Home With Oil Paintings Reproductions”