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Manuel Marino

Limited Time Offer on Cinematic Film Music!

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Manuel is a passionate, driven, and techsavvy AV technician, artist and music composer with over ten years of experience, specializing in the captivating world of music and entertainment.

Manuel is an expert in creating soundtracks for short filmsfeature films and video games.

Manuel Music Blog is a diverse digital platform where creativity and intellect converge, covering a wide range of topics from 3D Art to Music, and Technology to Philosophy.

It’s a collaborative space that features the insights of both Manuel, contributors and participants, appealing to enthusiasts across various fields.

With dedicated sections for different arts, instruments, and cultural reflections, this blog serves as a rich resource for those seeking inspiration, knowledge, and a deep dive into the myriad aspects of artistic and technological exploration.

You can find our Privacy Policy here: https://manuelmarino.com/blog/privacy-policy/

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How to Register and Order on My Film Music Orchestral Page

When you open my Film Music Orchestral page, if you are not registered on Fiverr, a pop-up will appear. You will need to choose how to register. It’s very simple and takes just a few seconds. This is what will appear:

The registration process is so simple! Then, just contact me or directly place a music order by following the instructions on the page!

After registering, the pop-up will disappear, and you will see this:

Message me on my Orchestral Page! Or directly place a music order by following the instructions on it!

From this page (my Film Music Orchestral page) you can contact me or place a music order. I recommend contacting me first, as I’m always available in all time zones and will reply within a few minutes!

Tutorial: How to Place an Order on My Orchestral Music Gig on Fiverr

  1. Visit My Gig Page: Go to my Film Music Orchestral page.
  2. Log In or Register:
    • If you are not logged in, a pop-up will appear prompting you to log in or register. Choose your preferred method (email, Facebook, Google, etc.) and follow the instructions to create an account.
  3. Explore the Gig Details:
    • Read the gig description, check out the samples of my work, and review the pricing packages available. This will help you understand what services are offered and choose the best option for your needs.
  4. Select a Package:
    • Choose the

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“How to Register and Order on My Film Music Orchestral Page”

The Evolution of Music and the Digital Era: A Personal Journey

As we stand at the crossroads of technological innovation and creative expression, I find myself reflecting on my journey in the music industry—a journey that began in the late ’90s, a pivotal era that marked the beginning of a digital music revolution. It was a time when mp3.com emerged as a groundbreaking platform, offering independent artists, including myself under the pseudonym Vanethian, a chance to distribute our music and earn royalties.

This opportunity propelled me into the global top 100 for New Age music, and in 2000, I was featured in the prestigious “Flashback 2000 – The Digital Music Revolution” compilation by mp3.com. This period was transformative, defining the possibilities for indie artists to self-determine and thrive independently.

The mp3.com era was a testament to the power of digital platforms in democratizing music distribution, allowing many artists, myself included, to invest in our studios and professionalize our craft. However, as mp3.com’s chapter closed due to legal challenges and its subsequent absorption by major labels, my focus shifted towards the realm of soundtracks. Initially, I ventured into video game music Game Audio: The Underrated Role of Audio in Video Games - When it comes to video game development, visuals often steal

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“The Evolution of Music and the Digital Era: A Personal Journey”

Best Gangster Films of All Time

gangster filmsWith the vast array of movie genres available today, people still seem to be drawn to those with a “gangster” theme and gangster films. Some of the most memorable films ever made can be classified as gangster movies. From the Godfather trilogy to Goodfellas and Casino, we all have our personal favorites.

Gangster Films

These movies are packed with action, intrigue, suspense, and drama, keeping the viewer on the edge of their seat throughout the entire film. Though most of us may not need a reminder, here are some of the greatest gangster movies of all time:

  1. Goodfellas (1990) – This unforgettable movie stars Robert DeNiro, Ray Liotta, and Joe Pesci, and is directed by Martin Scorsese. The captivating performances, intriguing storyline, and memorable characters make this one of the best gangster movies ever made.
  2. Godfather Trilogy (1972, 1974, 1990) – Arguably the most popular gangster films ever, this trilogy showcases the acting skills of icons such as Marlon Brando, Robert DeNiro, Al Pacino, James Caan, and a host of other talented stars. Directed by Francis Ford Coppola, the movies offer a memorable storyline, outstanding acting, drama, thrills, and a full range of emotions. The trilogy garnered nine Oscars and

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“Best Gangster Films of All Time”

Films to Inspire Travel

inspire travelFilms have the power to shape our perceptions of the world, inspire travel and influence our desire to explore it. Beautiful backdrops can create romantic visions that linger in our minds for years, inspire travel and break the bonds of everyday life. Here are a few films, both old and new, that have inspired Inspired by nature - Artist Robert Tucker talks about himself and his artist experience in this exclusive article. Inspired by nature The glorious portal of a new year is again upon me. My mind has wondered since the start of 2008 as to which direction my creative self will take. For me a torrent of feelings were released in… travel or provided comfort between journeys:

  1. The Mosquito Coast (1986) – Based on Paul Theroux’s bestseller, this film sees Harrison Ford’s disillusioned inventor character move his family to the jungles of Central America, where he builds a village and eventually descends into madness. Filmed in Belize, the movie inspired Inspired by nature - Artist Robert Tucker talks about himself and his artist experience in this exclusive article. Inspired by nature The glorious portal of a new year is again upon me. My mind has wondered since the start of 2008 as to which direction my creative self will take. For me a torrent of feelings were released in… travels to Nicaragua’s Mosquito Coast.
  2. The Story of Weeping Camel (2003) – A remarkably accurate portrayal of daily life among nomads in Mongolia’s South Gobi region, this film captures a moving camel reconciliation ceremony following a mother’s rejection

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“Films to Inspire Travel”

Comedy Composing – Performer Or Writer

comedy composingPeople often find it intriguing that a performer thrives on being in the spotlight, delivering lines on stage, while a writer prefers to remain behind the scenes, allowing someone else to recite their words. So, which role would you rather assume when comedy composing?

A performer should be an extroverted individual who genuinely enjoys making people laugh. Some individuals have this talent naturally, often finding themselves surrounded by friends as they eagerly share jokes and bring laughter to those around them. However, if you don’t possess this characteristic, don’t despair. Surprisingly, many introverted individuals excel on stage, discovering that a distinct aspect of their personality emerges and takes control in ways they never feel comfortable doing in everyday life.

A humor writer in comedy composing, on the other hand, would abhor the idea of being the center of attention on stage. Such a scenario would be their worst nightmare. They prefer to write when inspiration strikes, rather than being restricted to a specific time slot for their performance. Although they may or may not enjoy sharing jokes with friends, they undoubtedly love writing them. They find humor in every situation, even when their cat vomits on their new clothes during …

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“Comedy Composing – Performer Or Writer”

John Travolta Movies: The Dancing And Singing Celebrity

During the 1970s, John Travolta reigned as one of the legendary movie stars with a string of hit films to his credit. However, by the mid-1980s, his initial fame became somewhat dull as he experienced some flop movies. Nevertheless, in 1994, he reemerged and rose from the ashes like a phoenix, reclaiming his position as a versatile actor.

The great actor’s first major hit film was Saturday Night Fever, released in 1977. It brought him fame and glory and earned him the title of a dancing Trance Music - Free Flowing Electronica - Have you ever found yourself dancing in a club, utterly absorbed in the melody, feeling as if the trance music is flowing through you and guiding your body's movements? This is an experience I've had numerous times during carefree nights at local techno clubs I've often wondered which type of techno generates this unforgettable sensation… star. The movie was set against a backdrop of disco nightlife in New York City. This film garnered him an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor.

In 1994, Travolta underwent a revival by starring in Pulp Fiction. Directed by Quentin Tarantino, the film earned Travolta an Academy Award nomination. The star-studded cast …

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“John Travolta Movies: The Dancing And Singing Celebrity”