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Manuel Marino Music Composer

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Manuel is a passionate, driven, and techsavvy AV technician, artist and music composer with over ten years of experience, specializing in the captivating world of music and entertainment.

Manuel is an expert in creating soundtracks for short filmsfeature films and video games.

Manuel Music Blog is a diverse digital platform where creativity and intellect converge, covering a wide range of topics from 3D Art to Music, and Technology to Philosophy.

It’s a collaborative space that features the insights of both Manuel, contributors and participants, appealing to enthusiasts across various fields.

With dedicated sections for different arts, instruments, and cultural reflections, this blog serves as a rich resource for those seeking inspiration, knowledge, and a deep dive into the myriad aspects of artistic and technological exploration.

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The number of bars used when sequencing drum samples can vary significantly. Often, the total number of bars corresponds to the length of the track as a whole, and if you’re creating loops initially, it might be slightly more complex.

One of the most common looping numbers of bars is 4. This is usually enough to create an indicative part of the track, and a 4-bar loop can provide groove, tempo, and feel to a track, making it an excellent foundation or ‘skeleton’ example. The drum samples in the 4-bar loop can be arranged as one unique sequence, with each bar being completely different from the previous one. However, many music producers in hip-hop and RnB prefer to maintain some element of familiarity for the listener, and variation is key. Altering drums from bar to bar by adjusting the ending or velocity is more effective at avoiding listener fatigue.

Sixteen bars is another popular loop length, primarily because in hip-hop, 16 bars is a standard vocal verse length. If you can create a 16-bar loop, complete with a pre-chorus introduction and an 8-bar switch-up (for example), you can provide a good representation of the track’s structure. Using drum sounds and patches across these 16 bars allows you to test your creative limits, especially if you prod

The number of bars used when sequencing drum samples can vary significantly. Often, the total number of bars corresponds to the length of the track as a whole, and if you’re creating loops initially, it might be slightly more complex.

One of the most common looping numbers of bars is 4. This is usually enough to create an indicative part of the track, and a 4-bar loop can provide groove, tempo, and feel to a track, making it an excellent foundation or ‘skeleton’ example. The drum samples in the 4-bar loop can be arranged as one unique sequence, with each bar being completely different from the previous one. However, many music producers in hip-hop and RnB prefer to maintain some element of familiarity for the listener, and variation is key. Altering drums from bar to bar by adjusting the ending or velocity is more effective at avoiding listener fatigue.

Sixteen bars is another popular loop length, primarily because in hip-hop, 16 bars is a standard vocal verse length. If you can create a 16-bar loop, complete with a pre-chorus introduction and an 8-bar switch-up (for example), you can provide a good representation of the track’s structure. Using drum sounds and patches across these 16 bars allows you to test your creative limits, especially if you produce multiple beats daily. Introducing hi-hats starting at bar 8, for instance, adds an excellent sense of movement to the track.

Looking beyond drum samples can broaden your horizons and open many new possibilities. One common switch-up in a 16-bar loop, for example, is the introduction of a new instrument after 8 bars instead of a drum-related change. However, at this point – or anywhere else in the loop – you can mix up the drums to coincide with this transition, which can be highly effective.

Looking beyond instruments and drum sounds, vocals can also be a powerful trigger tool. A singer or rapper might perform the first 4 bars in a monotone and then suddenly explode with emotion. This serves as a wake-up call on its own, but when combined with other techniques, you can truly captivate your listener’s attention.

Drum samples are one of the easiest ways to introduce variation, as they require no additional input from the vocalist and can highlight vocal parts and instruments without any changes in those areas.

uce multiple beats daily. Introducing hi-hats starting at bar 8, for instance, adds an excellent sense of movement to the track.

Looking beyond drum samples can broaden your horizons and open many new possibilities. One common switch-up in a 16-bar loop, for example, is the introduction of a new instrument after 8 bars instead of a drum-related change. However, at this point – or anywhere else in the loop – you can mix up the drums to coincide with this transition, which can be highly effective.

Looking beyond instruments and drum sounds, vocals can also be a powerful trigger tool. A singer or rapper might perform the first 4 bars in a monotone and then suddenly explode with emotion. This serves as a wake-up call on its own, but when combined with other techniques, you can truly captivate your listener’s attention.

Drum samples are one of the easiest ways to introduce variation, as they require no additional input from the vocalist and can highlight vocal parts and instruments without any changes in those areas.

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