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Manuel Marino Music Composer

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Manuel is a passionate, driven, and techsavvy AV technician, artist and music composer with over ten years of experience, specializing in the captivating world of music and entertainment.

Manuel is an expert in creating soundtracks for short filmsfeature films and video games.

Manuel Music Blog is a diverse digital platform where creativity and intellect converge, covering a wide range of topics from 3D Art to Music, and Technology to Philosophy.

It’s a collaborative space that features the insights of both Manuel, contributors and participants, appealing to enthusiasts across various fields.

With dedicated sections for different arts, instruments, and cultural reflections, this blog serves as a rich resource for those seeking inspiration, knowledge, and a deep dive into the myriad aspects of artistic and technological exploration.

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Great Way to Improve Your Singing

Identifying the value of vocal lessons is crucial for those looking to improve their singing abilities. This is an effective approach, as many experienced and talented singers have benefited from taking these lessons. To produce the desired sound, both the voice and body need to be trained.

Technique is of paramount importance. In order to create full, rich, and high-quality sounds, understanding and mastering Music Production - Improve Your Sound - The rise in popularity of work-from-home studios has significantly impacted the music production landscape in recent years, driven by the increasing availability of tools and technology. This growth has led to the emergence of mobile recording rigs, making it possible to record full band performances anywhere. While one might anticipate a wealth of high-quality music,… physical and vocal techniques is essential.

Recognizing how posture affects your ability to produce clear sounds is where vocal lessons begin, rather than solely focusing on the voice. A slumped or curved back inhibits the complete contraction and expansion of your abdominal muscles. As you may already know, proper use of these muscles can aid in upward airflow.

In the appoggio technique, you maintain a lifted sternum while exhaling, which helps …

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“Great Way to Improve Your Singing”

Effective Tips to Singing Better – 5 Great Ways to Improve Your Voice

Music is within all of us, as each person possesses a unique voice. Like any fine instrument, it’s essential to understand what transforms a good voice into a great one, and an average voice into a star. There are numerous tips for singing better; try implementing even a few and see how they can help you. Music is the universal language, imprinted on each person’s soul. We believe that anyone who can speak has the full ability to sing. Here are some suggestions to help you elevate your voice to a whole new level.

  1. Embrace Your Unique Voice

While it’s good to find qualities of vocalists you admire and emulate them to a certain extent, it’s crucial to embrace your own voice. Each voice is a beautiful instrument and will sound different to everyone. Few professional singers escape criticism. Consider how many professional singers have “unconventional voices.” Cherish the way you sound and take responsibility for maintaining and discovering ways to utilize your unique voice. Overcome your shyness and embrace your personal style.

  1. Master Your Breathing

Failing to control your breathing properly is a significant mistake. Nerves can cause you to hold your breath, as can other …

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“Effective Tips to Singing Better – 5 Great Ways to Improve Your Voice”

Singing Jobs to Advance Your Singing Career

Need singing jobs but don’t have the luxury of a conventional singing career? This career guide for singers will help you find singing jobs and launch your singing career!

Starting a singing career can be challenging, with fierce competition and limited job openings. However, singing jobs may be more accessible than you think and can serve as a stepping stone into the singing industry. This guide is designed to help those with limited resources, connections, or industry exposure.

First, decide where you want to work in the singing industry. There are two main paths: the creative end (performing) or the technical end (production). For the purpose of this article, let’s assume you choose the performing path. Determine your goals, such as becoming a lead singer, opera singer, musical theater performer, or solo vocalist. Keep in mind that your goals may change as your career evolves, and it’s okay to explore different genres and categories of singing.

As you begin your singing career, you will likely start as an unknown talent with high hopes and potential. Like any career, you will need to pay your dues before reaping the benefits. If you are passionate and driven, you can endure the challenges …

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“Singing Jobs to Advance Your Singing Career”

How To Sing High Notes Quickly

Learning to sing high notes can be challenging but it is definitely something that can be achieved with practice. Singing is a skill and singing high notes is one of the most difficult aspects of that skill.

Many singers, especially beginners, may be able to hit high notes initially but they often do so with a lot of tension and strain. Some may even need a lot of refinement to get the right control and tone.

The first set of singing tips involves some very basic principles. One of the most important things for beginners to learn is how to keep a low larynx.

The larynx, also known as the voice box, is a crucial component of singing. It is important to learn how to keep the larynx low throughout your entire singing range. This is not only important for hitting high notes, but also for singing freely and maintaining a healthy voice that doesn’t tire easily.

To keep a neutral larynx, one effective method is to practice yawning. Place your hand on your throat and yawn, you will notice that your larynx sinks back and down. A vocal coach can help you with this, but it is …

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“How To Sing High Notes Quickly”

Vocal and Singing Warm Up Exercises – Tips For Warming up the Voice – Breathing Exercises In Singing

Singing warm ups are essential for anyone whose profession involves the use of their vocal cords, including singers, dubbing artists, voice-over artists, lecturers, motivational speakers, radio jockeys, and newsreaders. These exercises help to condition and warm up the vocal cords, preparing them for optimal performance. In this article, we will explore some simple vocal warm up exercises and techniques.

Humming is the easiest vocal and singing warm up exercise. With your mouth shut, begin humming a unique musical note while placing your thumb, index, and middle fingers on the bridge of your nose. The goal is to feel the vibrations that arise in your nose with your fingers. Starting with your base note, scale down one note at a time and analyze the amount of vibration at each note. Stop at the note where you feel the maximum amount of nasal vibration, and hum softly at that note for a few minutes.

Breathing exercises are also important in warming up the voice. They help to clear the air passage between your nose and lungs, which is beneficial for good voice production. Deep breathing exercises and singing exercises are recommended for those new to the concept of …

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“Vocal and Singing Warm Up Exercises – Tips For Warming up the Voice – Breathing Exercises In Singing”

Simple Singing Exercises That Produce Incredible Results

Improving your vocal range is possible, despite what some singing teachers might tell you. Many teachers misunderstand the topic of vocal ranges and may discourage their students from attempting to increase their range. However, with the right training, you can dramatically improve your vocal range in a short period of time.

One common mistake singers make when attempting to hit high notes is straining their necks and pushing their chins out. This belting technique can actually damage your voice and burn it out quickly. It encourages the wrong muscles to become involved in the singing process and prevents the correct internal muscles of the larynx from functioning properly.

The key to increasing your vocal range is to discover a new muscle coordination. With proper technique, you can move up into your high range using less air, not more. This allows your vocal chords to form a new muscle coordination, known as a shortened vocal chord. By “zipping up” your vocal chords, less of the chord is free to vibrate, which requires less air to move the chords faster, resulting in a higher note.

The speech level singing method is an effective way to train your vocal …

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“Simple Singing Exercises That Produce Incredible Results”