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Manuel Marino Music Composer

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Manuel is a passionate, driven, and techsavvy AV technician, artist and music composer with over ten years of experience, specializing in the captivating world of music and entertainment.

Manuel is an expert in creating soundtracks for short filmsfeature films and video games.

Manuel Music Blog is a diverse digital platform where creativity and intellect converge, covering a wide range of topics from 3D Art to Music, and Technology to Philosophy.

It’s a collaborative space that features the insights of both Manuel, contributors and participants, appealing to enthusiasts across various fields.

With dedicated sections for different arts, instruments, and cultural reflections, this blog serves as a rich resource for those seeking inspiration, knowledge, and a deep dive into the myriad aspects of artistic and technological exploration.

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Desire A Straightforward Noob Violin Lesson? They Do Not Exist!

Whatever you may think about acquiring an easy recreational violin, you might as well forget about it. The violin is difficult to play and requires a high level of dedication, perseverance, and commitment. It is indeed possible to learn, but it takes practice, and a lot of it! So, what makes this instrument so different from others?

If you ask someone who is somewhat proficient at playing the violin Violin Exercises For a Masterful Performance - Playing the violin undoubtedly requires exceptional skill, a keen ear for music, and remarkable concentration to enable the violinist to produce the exquisite melodies characteristic of a flawlessly executed violin piece. The sound produced by a violin is distinct, setting it apart from all other instruments in an orchestra, and entirely different from its fellow… , they will probably tell you that it’s because you haven’t practiced enough! The truth is that there is much more to it than simply plucking a string on a guitar. If you have ever heard someone taking a beginner lesson, you have likely heard screeches, whistles, or even sounds that you can’t even describe. While you can press a key on a piano and produce the correct note, …

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“Desire A Straightforward Noob Violin Lesson? They Do Not Exist!”

Tips on How to Find the Right Amp For Your Guitar

So much emphasis is placed on choosing guitars that people often forget that the sound has to come from somewhere! It’s like people paying more attention to the design of a car rather than its engine. Ultimately, it’s the combination of your guitar and amp that determines your sound, and while guitars may be more visually appealing, it’s crucial not to overlook the component that makes it audible!

Your amp should complement your guitar in a few ways. For starters, it doesn’t make sense to play a $3,000 guitar through a $200 amp. The same goes for expensive amps paired with cheap guitars. They need to meet somewhere in the middle. In some cases, for an indie sound, people may prefer cheaper guitars because they have a “grungier” sound, and they may want a powerful amp to make it loud. In many instances, this rule of thumb holds true.

If you want to play jazz or blues, an old-school tube amp might be just right. This is particularly true for your Fender solid-body guitar or your vintage hollow or semi-hollow guitar. It gives your chords and solo lines a mellow quality that you simply can’t achieve any other way. Different …

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“Tips on How to Find the Right Amp For Your Guitar”

Learn to Play Keyboard and Become the Life of the Party!

Learning how to play the piano How To Discover Piano - Sometimes in life, we regret not pursuing hobbies or interests we once enjoyed. I know I regret not continuing to play football and furthering my passion for reading music, especially the piano. Learning to play the piano can seem overwhelming, but when broken down into manageable pieces and with plenty of tuition and practice, it… or keyboard can have many positive effects on your life. These include personal benefits such as improved self-confidence, as well as social benefits like playing in a band or being the life of the party. In this article, we will take a closer look at some of these benefits.

Developing Self-Confidence

Setting a goal to play a specific musical piece and following through with regular practice helps you develop discipline, focus, dedication, and determination. These character traits are important for achieving any goal in life Having a Goal in Life and Why Music is a Harmonious Objective - Having a goal in life is essential for many reasons. It provides a sense of direction, drives motivation, enhances focus, and contributes to personal satisfaction. An aim or target in life helps one to streamline their

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“Learn to Play Keyboard and Become the Life of the Party!”

The Importance of Good Drumming Technique

Of all the musical instruments, drumming is perhaps the most instinctive physical response to music. There are countless types of strikes, rolls, and fills that cannot all be named. Depending on the style of music you want to play, there are specific techniques designed for that sound. Exploring, experimenting, and practicing these techniques will make you a better and more well-rounded drummer.

One technique often used in slower moments of various styles is the brush stroke. Instead of sticks or brushes, this technique uses your fingers. Use your fingertips or nails for a brighter tone and gently tap the drumhead. Don’t bend at the elbow, simply lift your arm up and down. This creates a soft, delicate tone during the quieter parts of a ballad, a jazzy break, or a slower rock song.

There is ongoing debate and differing opinions about the best technique for using the bass drum. The pivotal question is whether to keep your heel up or not. Keeping your heel up allows for rolls and double strikes and produces louder hits. It also helps you play for a longer period of time. Basically, with your foot raised in the air, simply drop it down onto the …

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“The Importance of Good Drumming Technique”

Why It’s Easy to Be Both a Musician and a Voice Actor

The voice-over industry attracts a diverse range of individuals seeking a profitable and creative career path. It appeals to aspiring stars, those with a talent for character voices, and individuals who simply enjoy the flexibility of being their own boss.

However, a voice-over actor’s expertise is not complete without acquiring certain technological skills that can take voice artists a considerable amount of time to master. Musicians possess a valuable potential to excel as voice-over artists for several reasons. Firstly, many musicians have undergone formal training in music, equipping them with knowledge of pitch, tone, volume, and endurance. While musicians employ these techniques to create different sounds on their musical instruments or explore various musical styles, these principles are equally applicable to voice-overs. Seasoned voice-over artists must master these elements and understand when to emphasize one over the other, or blend them seamlessly in a brief narration.

Moreover, musicians often possess experience with technical equipment and are accustomed to troubleshooting acoustics and soundproofing. A voice actor’s ability to capture a clean recording, free from echoes and external noises, is crucial to delivering a professional product to voice-over clients. Many musicians have already been exposed to sound recording and editing programs, such …

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“Why It’s Easy to Be Both a Musician and a Voice Actor”