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Manuel Marino Music Composer

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Manuel is a passionate, driven, and techsavvy AV technician, artist and music composer with over ten years of experience, specializing in the captivating world of music and entertainment.

Manuel is an expert in creating soundtracks for short filmsfeature films and video games.

Manuel Music Blog is a diverse digital platform where creativity and intellect converge, covering a wide range of topics from 3D Art to Music, and Technology to Philosophy.

It’s a collaborative space that features the insights of both Manuel, contributors and participants, appealing to enthusiasts across various fields.

With dedicated sections for different arts, instruments, and cultural reflections, this blog serves as a rich resource for those seeking inspiration, knowledge, and a deep dive into the myriad aspects of artistic and technological exploration.

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The Mystery of Reflexology

This ancient healing art, known as reflexology, was studied by myself at Morley College in London B52 - Wade Crawley is back with a great B52 concert review! If you remember, Wade wrote for us Punk music in the late seventies. Now read his new exclusive article for ManuelMarino.com! The B52’s, London Roundhouse It was on a hot and very sweaty summer night in London’s trendy Camden and a packed audience of all… over 9 years ago, and what I observed was extraordinary.

The concept of mirroring the body on the soles of the feet and the rediscovery of this ancient art and zone theory can be attributed to Dr. William Fitzgerald in the early 20th century. He noticed that applying pressure to a specific area of the body could have a direct anesthetic effect on a corresponding area. This observation was the first step in developing the zone theory. Later, Dr. Fitzgerald began collaborating with Dr. Edwin Bowers, and together they convinced their colleagues with their findings.

To validate reflexology, Dr. Bowers conducted several experiments. In doing so, he made an interesting discovery. By applying pressure to a specific area of the hand and then …

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“The Mystery of Reflexology”

Mysterious Disappearances – Other Dimensions

mountain surrounded with fogWhat do we mean for other dimensions?

Part One – The Case of Orion Williamson

Is our planet truly three-dimensional, or are there portals that involuntarily transport us into other dimensions?

Reports of individuals disappearing in the presence of witnesses are occurring worldwide, with one of the most notable cases being that of Orion Williamson.

In July 1854, magazines across the USA carried the headline, “A Man Has Vanished Into Thin Air.” This alarming news spread after extensive searches were conducted for Orion Williamson, who disappeared from his farm in Selma, Alabama, in full view of four witnesses.

Williamson had taken a leisurely break from his work in the fields and was smoking a cigar on the veranda of his house. His spouse and child were beside him as they observed the slaves working in a field across the road from their land. Suddenly, he remembered that he needed to convey a message to the overseer of the slaves.

He turned to his spouse and said, “I forgot to tell Andrew about the horses.”

His spouse and child watched as Williamson walked across the lawn that extended some fifty yards ahead.

Williamson was seen picking a flower before crossing the …

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“Mysterious Disappearances – Other Dimensions”

Egypt’s Mysteries

mysteriesWhat do we mean for Egypt’s Mysteries?

Egypt is undoubtedly the most populous Arab nation in Africa. It is located in the desert and is divided into two parts from south to north by the Nile, the largest river in the world. The presence of the Nile greatly influences the climate in Egypt. The unique weather phenomena indeed is a sign of mysteries itself.

On the western side of the Nile lies the arid Libyan Desert, while on the eastern side, we find the Arabian Desert. The Nile helps to moderate the extreme temperatures of the vast desert, and the majority of Egypt’s population is concentrated along the fertile banks of the Nile. The river eventually forms a delta that extends over 220 km into the Mediterranean Sea in the north of Egypt.

The Nile Delta begins to stretch from Cairo, which is situated approximately 150 km from the Mediterranean Sea, and it represents one of the most fertile and prosperous regions in Egypt. Satellite photos clearly show the Nile Delta as a large expanse of dark green contrasting with the pale yellow color of the desert.

The region encompassing the Nile delta and the Mediterranean coastline of Egypt experiences …

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“Egypt’s Mysteries”

Alien Abductions – Points Which Indicate They Are Authentic

alien abductions[Personal thoughts by Pete Phaedrus, not scientifically proved] The matter of alien abduction Mysterious Disappearances - Other Dimensions - What do we mean for other dimensions? Part One - The Case of Orion Williamson Is our planet truly three-dimensional, or are there portals that involuntarily transport us into other dimensions? Reports of individuals disappearing in the presence of witnesses are occurring worldwide, with one of the most notable cases being that of Orion Williamson.… can be extremely complicated as it is actually extremely difficult to confirm whether a individual was really abducted or not. However, through different accounts within the abductees, issues like the key types of the extraterrestrials have been formulated therefore strengthening the possibility that alien abductions are real.

One of the stories recounted the existence of 3 different kinds of aliens namely the Nordics, Reptilians as well as the Grays. At initial none of these names existed as well as have been built in purchase for abductees to explain their contact with these beings and to aid other persons recognize what this might be all about.

The Nordics virtually resemble human beings. They have pretty light or blonde hair and blue eyes. These are typically considered quite …

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“Alien Abductions – Points Which Indicate They Are Authentic”

Nostradamus 2012 Last Hours Prophecy for Mankind

Photo by taigasylvan

[Personal thoughts by Jorge Z. Bielak, not scientifically proved] Recently the lost books of Nostradamus 2012 prophecy has been found and a great amount of have been astonished concerning the relevance of the symbols and attracting encoded in the guide to what exactly is absolutely going down today. Many people are totally aware that the globe isn’t getting high daily. Conditions from completely different nations have frequently drawn into worse instances and specifically together with all the nearby weather difficulties. Clearly enough we’re not getting greater just worse as time advances into 2012.

A glimpse within the previous books of Nostradamus 2012 prophecy has awakened our minds into something additional deeper issues to ponder. Whereas several people are busy living their existence, we have questioned our finish and our destiny based on what we have today watched round us. The times that we are experiencing right have absolutely proven a some of the dire alert within the past. Many countries and lives of individuals are suffering in chaos as well as the diploma of upheavals in every places appear to highlight as we draw close to to the countdown of zero hope on 2012.

Many people state …

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“Nostradamus 2012 Last Hours Prophecy for Mankind”

Lucid Dreams

lucid dreams[Personal thoughts by Seana Melancon, not scientifically proved] If you learn you may be dreaming and you are able to control your dreams, then these are called lucid dreams. In this form of a dream you understand what you’re doing or suggesting. You are able to even control your actions, words and even the individual you need to be with.

There are no limits to what you are able to experience when you’re lucid dreaming. You are able to function as the star of the romantic fantasy novel, or excellent action adventure Action Adventure to Superhero: Taking a Look at Sub Genres Of Action Movies - The Allure of Action Adventure Films Action films captivate audiences with their adrenaline-pumping scenes, high-impact effects, and fast-paced storylines featuring elements such as explosions, chases, and combat. In this genre, the story often takes a backseat to the action and visual spectacle. Action movies share similarities with adventure, thriller, and road films, and often include… , you are able to control the result or change the endings to what makes you happiest.

The difference between usual dreaming and lucid dreaming is the fact that you control lucid dreams, where usual dreams will wander randomly …

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“Lucid Dreams”