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Manuel Marino Music Composer

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Manuel is a passionate, driven, and techsavvy AV technician, artist and music composer with over ten years of experience, specializing in the captivating world of music and entertainment.

Manuel is an expert in creating soundtracks for short filmsfeature films and video games.

Manuel Music Blog is a diverse digital platform where creativity and intellect converge, covering a wide range of topics from 3D Art to Music, and Technology to Philosophy.

It’s a collaborative space that features the insights of both Manuel, contributors and participants, appealing to enthusiasts across various fields.

With dedicated sections for different arts, instruments, and cultural reflections, this blog serves as a rich resource for those seeking inspiration, knowledge, and a deep dive into the myriad aspects of artistic and technological exploration.

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Drums form the core of any rock band The Invictas are back - Bruce Atchison is one of my (no more available Yahoo Group) best members and he wrote this great article. Bruce is a legally blind freelance writer and the author of two books, When a Man Loves a Rabbit (Learning and Living With Bunnies) and Deliverance from Jericho (Six Years in a Blind School). The first… , and many rock bands thrive on showmanship. Guitarists drop to their knees mid-solo, vocalists engage in various antics to involve the crowd, but drummers must find alternative ways of putting on a show. Drumstick tricks create an impressive display that can be executed even while playing. A simple trick can make the sticks appear to spin freely in the air, adding an extra level of flair to any drummer’s playing style.

As a drummer, you may have incredible rhythm, but you might be limiting your potential if you can’t use the correct stick technique. The proper grip allows you to move the sticks more easily and achieve a better sound from your strike on the drum surface.

Many people follow these steps:

  1. Traditional Grip

The traditional grip was once considered the only accepted grip, but it is now largely associated with marching snare drums. Maholo.com notes it’s still the preferred grip among jazz drummers. The right hand holds the stick in a loose fist, similar to how you would hold a hammer. The left hand is usually turned palm up. The handle end of the stick rests between the thumb and the forefinger. The stick then passes across the palm and slides between the middle finger and the ring finger. The drum surface is struck by turning the wrist.

  1. Matched Grip

Once known as the “uneducated” grip, the matched grip has emerged as the most popular style for drummers playing on drum sets. The hands hold the sticks in the same manner, that is, holding them in loose fists as one would hold a hammer. Your thumbs, however, should not wrap around your fists but instead be positioned alongside the sticks, pointing towards the stick heads. Do not squeeze. The stick should move freely in your hand. Your palms should face down, but Mahalo notes they should turn at a slight angle before striking the drum head.

  1. French Grip

Though less popular than the other styles, the French grip allows you to control the sticks with your fingers. The Discover Drums Blog states that controlling the sticks this way enables you to play longer with reduced fatigue to your hands and wrists, but it does not allow you to put power into your strikes. Like the matched grip, both hands hold the sticks the same way. With palms down but angled up slightly, hold the sticks with your fingertips and thumbprint. The sticks do not touch the palms. Strike the drum head by flexing your fingers without engaging your wrists.

If you want to learn drums online, you should prepare for a challenging journey. Just as you would if you were taking face-to-face lessons. It’s essential to start from the very beginning and work through learning the drums with a step-by-step guide from an expert. You may feel the urge to skip sections you think are too simple, but that can cause significant problems in the end and slow down your technical skills in the long run.

To learn drums online to a high level, you need to follow these three simple steps: find a website that provides a detailed guide to drumming, always learn how to hold the sticks the right way (whether it’s traditional or matched grip) from the start, and master the six basic rudiments for an excellent foundation.

Finding a drum tuition website

This is clearly the easiest step. Don’t rush your decision, as these websites may require a membership fee. Try to find a site that offers ebooks, video tutorials, audio files, one-to-one support, and an active user forum. If you find a place that offers all these elements, it will be easier to start and learn without ever needing to stray too far.

Learning to hold drumsticks

It is essential that you don’t skip this step! There are rules for this for a reason.

There are two types of grips for holding drumsticks, traditional and matched. Although it is believed that a drummer should eventually learn to play with both grips, it is recommended for beginners to start with the matched grip. Both of these drumstick grips may feel uncomfortable at first, but learning the proper technique from the beginning will significantly improve your drumming in the long run.

The six basic rudiments

A drum rudiment is a pattern that serves as the essential building blocks of drumming. If you master these basic rudiments, there will be nothing you won’t eventually be able to play. Overall, there are forty drum rudiments. Beginners should learn the six basic rudiments thoroughly before learning any others. Once you can perform the six basic rudiments well, the others will soon fall into place. The six foundational rudiments are:

  1. Single Stroke Roll
  2. Multiple Bounce Roll
  3. Double Stroke Roll
  4. Diddle
  5. Flam
  6. Drag

If you are serious about drumming and want to learn drums online, you must follow these guidelines. After mastering Music Production - Improve Your Sound - The rise in popularity of work-from-home studios has significantly impacted the music production landscape in recent years, driven by the increasing availability of tools and technology. This growth has led to the emergence of mobile recording rigs, making it possible to record full band performances anywhere. While one might anticipate a wealth of high-quality music,… the grip and the six basic rudiments, you will be more free to take your drumming in the direction you desire.

Regarding drumming, it pays to focus on the fundamental principles initially and build a solid foundation rather than rushing through what seems like the exciting aspects of drum playing. If you learn hastily, trust me, you may eventually regret it. Without properly established techniques, you will only end up playing everything incorrectly.

As serious an endeavor as signing up for drum lessons and making time for drum instruction can be, you should also not lose sight of the fact that learning to play drums should be fun. Drums are the focal point of any music, providing the beat that makes music worth dancing Trance Music - Free Flowing Electronica - Have you ever found yourself dancing in a club, utterly absorbed in the melody, feeling as if the trance music is flowing through you and guiding your body's movements? This is an experience I've had numerous times during carefree nights at local techno clubs I've often wondered which type of techno generates this unforgettable sensation… or tapping one’s feet to. When you learn to create music using drums, you can march to the beat of your own rhythm.

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How Audio Engineers Specialize And Some Come To Audio Mastering

by mrdarkroom Audio engineers often specialize in specific areas of production, one of which is online sound mastering....Read More