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Manuel Marino Music Composer

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Manuel is a passionate, driven, and techsavvy AV technician, artist and music composer with over ten years of experience, specializing in the captivating world of music and entertainment.

Manuel is an expert in creating soundtracks for short filmsfeature films and video games.

Manuel Music Blog is a diverse digital platform where creativity and intellect converge, covering a wide range of topics from 3D Art to Music, and Technology to Philosophy.

It’s a collaborative space that features the insights of both Manuel, contributors and participants, appealing to enthusiasts across various fields.

With dedicated sections for different arts, instruments, and cultural reflections, this blog serves as a rich resource for those seeking inspiration, knowledge, and a deep dive into the myriad aspects of artistic and technological exploration.

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Piano Lessons For Beginners – Learning Piano Notes

Many of us have been exposed to music as part of our school curriculum. We learned about do-re-mi and the different types of notes, such as whole notes, half notes, and so on. We were also taught about the Treble Clef or G-clef and the Bass or F-clef. As second graders, we may have learned the basic music theories and become familiar with FACE and the Every Good Boy Does Fine notes on the staff. If not, let me refresh your memory.

The black notes on the lines or spaces of the grand staff (Treble Clef and Bass Clef) represent the tones on a piano. The letters F, A, C, and E fall on the four spaces of the Treble Clef (the upper five lines) in that order. F occupies the first space at the bottom, and E occupies the last space at the top. So we have F for the note fa, A for la, C for do, and E for mi.

Next, the phrase “Every Good Boy Does Fine” corresponds to the lines. The first line is E or mi, G is sol, B is ti, D is re, and F is fa. Therefore, the basic …

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“Piano Lessons For Beginners – Learning Piano Notes”

Piano Lessons – learn to play piano

Taking piano lessons nowadays is no longer a difficult task for individuals from various walks of life, regardless of age, gender, or race. Many people simply love the sound of this musical instrument and are enticed to learn the art of playing it. Learning to play the piano How To Discover Piano - Sometimes in life, we regret not pursuing hobbies or interests we once enjoyed. I know I regret not continuing to play football and furthering my passion for reading music, especially the piano. Learning to play the piano can seem overwhelming, but when broken down into manageable pieces and with plenty of tuition and practice, it… is not as difficult as it may seem, as there is now a wide range of approaches available for anyone to learn at their convenience, wherever they may be.

For beginners, learning to play the piano How To Discover Piano - Sometimes in life, we regret not pursuing hobbies or interests we once enjoyed. I know I regret not continuing to play football and furthering my passion for reading music, especially the piano. Learning to play the piano can seem overwhelming, but when broken down into manageable pieces and with plenty of tuition and practice, it… may initially appear challenging. However, if you have a genuine passion for it, the journey will not be as difficult as you might think. If you decide to take piano lessons, it would greatly benefit you to approach it with enthusiasm. The first step is to establish a starting point of some kind.

The …

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“Piano Lessons – learn to play piano”

Piano Tabs – learn to play piano

Understanding what piano tabs are is one of the fundamental aspects for anyone learning to play the piano How To Discover Piano - Sometimes in life, we regret not pursuing hobbies or interests we once enjoyed. I know I regret not continuing to play football and furthering my passion for reading music, especially the piano. Learning to play the piano can seem overwhelming, but when broken down into manageable pieces and with plenty of tuition and practice, it… . Many people develop a love for the piano because of the beautiful sounds it can produce. Music naturally touches everyone’s heart, and that is one of the reasons why many people in this generation aspire to learn the art of playing musical instruments, particularly the piano.

Indeed, the piano holds great respect among individuals and music enthusiasts, as the music that emanates from it is simply magnificent. For those who aspire to play the piano, the easiest way to do so is to understand what piano tabs are. Follow the steps below and learn to play the piano much more easily than most pianists in history.

The first thing you need to do is familiarize yourself with the piano …

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“Piano Tabs – learn to play piano”

The Grand Piano Melodies And Beginnings

Photo by MiiiSH

The phrase “Music calms the savage beast” is an old cliché that has stood the test of time. Even individuals who are extremely angry have expressed feeling soothed when they are able to listen to the pleasant sounds of beautiful musical instruments. Our admiration for the Grand piano stems from its magnificent scale, beauty, and resonating tones that emanate from this captivating instrument.

These exquisite stringed instruments lend an air of elegance to any home. Their predecessors were the harpsichords, which were crafted in the 1500s and 1600s. Harpsichords were plucked with quills. However, Bartolomeo Cristofori (credited as the father of the modern piano) experimented with the use of small hammers to produce a more expressive sound. Thus, the birth of the instrument we cherish today.

Pianos are widely popular and recognized worldwide. They are large and therefore not easily portable like a guitar or saxophone. They are also quite expensive, ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars. Despite the cost, many people have yearned to have one gracing the confines of their homes.

Classical music, in particular, holds a beauty that surpasses mere words. Composers such as Rachmaninoff, Brahms, Liszt, Bach, Beethoven, Haydn, Mozart, Schubert, Debussy, …

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“The Grand Piano Melodies And Beginnings”

Piano Bench Purchasing: Buying Piano Bench Online

A piano bench is an essential piece of equipment for musicians, especially pianists, guitarists, harpists, and other instrument players who require a specialized seat. There are various types of piano benches available to suit different needs. You can choose from standard or regular styles, benches with adjustable height, single or double seating, benches made of leather or plastic, and fully padded designs. Some models even offer storage space under the seat for keeping musical sheets, books, and manuscripts securely.

The traditional piano bench has been the standard accompanying equipment for acoustic pianos sold and manufactured over the past several decades. Some of these benches come with a spacious storage compartment and are available in hardwood finishes or fully padded tops. Adjustable models are also available, allowing the height to be modified to suit the needs of beginners or professional performers who require optimal posture and positioning while sitting at the piano keyboard.

There are pianists who may require double seating, such as when they are being taught or when they choose to play with a partner. The top models of these benches with two individually adjustable seats often feature a handle knob lever for …

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“Piano Bench Purchasing: Buying Piano Bench Online”

How to play piano – Piano Lessons

Learning how to play the piano has become easily achievable with the various methods of piano lessons available today. As more and more people develop a passion for piano music, this beautiful instrument and the magnificent music it produces are gaining popularity worldwide. This growing interest is driving music enthusiasts to do everything they can to learn the art of playing the piano Piano - Learn Piano Online - Learn Piano Online Rocket Piano is a series of eBooks, games, and MP3 files that you can download and become a member of. The eBooks cover everything you could ever want to know about playing the piano. It is excellent when it comes to an interactive piano guide, making it important for both children and… .

For music lovers across the globe, learning to play the piano How To Discover Piano - Sometimes in life, we regret not pursuing hobbies or interests we once enjoyed. I know I regret not continuing to play football and furthering my passion for reading music, especially the piano. Learning to play the piano can seem overwhelming, but when broken down into manageable pieces and with plenty of tuition and practice, it… is no …

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“How to play piano – Piano Lessons”