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Manuel Marino Music Composer

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Manuel Marino Music Blog

3d ArtArtsAudioBassBusinessCultureDrumsFluteGamesGuitarHobbiesInternetMasteringMoviesMusicPaintingPhilosophyPianoTechnologyViolinVoiceWritings

Manuel is a passionate, driven, and techsavvy AV technician, artist and music composer with over ten years of experience, specializing in the captivating world of music and entertainment.

Manuel is an expert in creating soundtracks for short filmsfeature films and video games.

Manuel Music Blog is a diverse digital platform where creativity and intellect converge, covering a wide range of topics from 3D Art to Music, and Technology to Philosophy.

It’s a collaborative space that features the insights of both Manuel, contributors and participants, appealing to enthusiasts across various fields.

With dedicated sections for different arts, instruments, and cultural reflections, this blog serves as a rich resource for those seeking inspiration, knowledge, and a deep dive into the myriad aspects of artistic and technological exploration.

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Cereal, a blend of old and new

man holding black DSLR camera with stabilizer

Today we interview Jaques Smit, an incredible man. Just read all his current positions: Managing Director at MindNova Advertising Pty (Ltd), Marketing Director at Inland Kitesurfing Pty (Ltd), CEO at Avonstorm Entertainment, Producer at Avonstorm Pictures Pty (Ltd), Technical Director at Blo-Tant Pty (Ltd).

Here is the interview and I initially ask about Cereal, his new project/show, a real blend of old and new:

Cereal, a blend of old and new

MM: “Cereal is the perfect example of how an Idea can be developed despite the obstacles, can you explain briefly what is Cereal?”

JS: “The title “Cereal” is a play on words as the show is a pseudo-parody of the serials of old. Serials were the old fashioned, Saturday afternoon cliffhanger matinees, complete with dashing heroes, damsels in distress and fiendish villains… Not to mention the ol’ ‘conquer the universe’ plot motif.

Instead of trying to remake the classics of old, “Cereal” uses footage from original television shows; kicking off the first half of the first season is “Radar Men from the Moon!”

“Cereal” does follow a coherent plot and does feature reappearing characters as a regular show would, but the visuals …

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“Cereal, a blend of old and new”

An Artist Portrait (Part One)

woman leaning on table and holding paint brush

This is a fantastic article written exclusively for my Weblog by Frank V. Cahoj. Please feel free to comment here or send him emails. He’ll be happy of this.

An Artist Portrait (Part One)

My name is Frank Cahoj and I have been an artist since I was born. I can say this in confidence without remembering my birth or much of the first years of my life: I can say this because one is either an artist or one is not.

Technical skills, knowledge, know-how, are all irrelevant. There is something in the genetic makeup of a human being that makes them an artist, and it is sewn within them from birth. However, there are those who do not recognize this, as being part and parcel to their existence, and may still not become an artist Methods To Becoming An Oil Painting Artist - Do you aspire to become an artist? Are you particularly interested in oil painting? If so, you're in luck, as this article will guide you on how to become an oil painting artist. Numerous courses are available today that you can

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“An Artist Portrait (Part One)”