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Manuel Marino Music Composer

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Manuel Marino Music Blog

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Manuel is a passionate, driven, and techsavvy AV technician, artist and music composer with over ten years of experience, specializing in the captivating world of music and entertainment.

Manuel is an expert in creating soundtracks for short filmsfeature films and video games.

Manuel Music Blog is a diverse digital platform where creativity and intellect converge, covering a wide range of topics from 3D Art to Music, and Technology to Philosophy.

It’s a collaborative space that features the insights of both Manuel, contributors and participants, appealing to enthusiasts across various fields.

With dedicated sections for different arts, instruments, and cultural reflections, this blog serves as a rich resource for those seeking inspiration, knowledge, and a deep dive into the myriad aspects of artistic and technological exploration.

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The New Concept Of Miniature Paintings

Different terms are used to define miniature painting, with some referring to the size and style of the subject, others emphasizing the proportion of the subject to the actual painting, and still others focusing on the techniques employed. This art form originated in the Western world and encompasses a variety of paintings, including depictions of angels, saints, and scenes from everyday life during the Middle Ages.

Manuscript artists began creating portraits of royalty and private clients when the printing press was introduced. People used to carry these miniature paintings in their pockets or bags, similar to how one might carry a cherished photograph.

Creating a miniature painting requires close observation, mastery of techniques, and knowledge. Various painting materials and surfaces are employed, but the essence lies in the composition and use of different colors.

Experts generally agree on the size of miniature paintings. Some artists prefer larger formats like 11×14 inches, while others opt for smaller sizes such as 5×7 inches or even smaller when including the frame.

However, some experts disregard size and its requirements. They believe that what matters in a miniature painting is the element of “miniaturization.” As long as this aspect is accurately portrayed, the painting …

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“The New Concept Of Miniature Paintings”

Exactly What Is A Strum Pattern?

I’m very surprised at how many students don’t truly understand what strumming patterns are, or if they do, they don’t know that many. But it’s actually quite simple. A strumming pattern is just a series of downstrokes and upstrokes that occur on specific beats of each bar. Once you understand the pattern, all you need to do is add some chords, and there you go – you’ll be able to play a few songs.

Of course, you’ll need more than just a single strum pattern to play a variety of different songs, as one pattern alone won’t suffice. Different songs have different tempos and feels, which means you need to find a groove that matches the song; otherwise, it just won’t sound right.

It’s also a good idea to learn a few different patterns from different styles of music so that you can adapt to whatever you’re playing. Starting with folk and pop is probably the easiest way to learn. Once you have a few of those down, you should explore blues, country, rock, and funk. You’ll be surprised at the difference it makes in your playing when you become skilled at various styles of rhythm playing and learn all …

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“Exactly What Is A Strum Pattern?”

How Can Pens Help Improve Your Business?

The benefits of using pens as advertising tools cannot be underestimated. Pens have a practical nature that makes them valuable in various aspects of a person’s life, and recipients often cherish them when given as a gift. The functionality of a pen can last for a month or even longer, depending on the type of pen and how frequently it is used for writing.

When selecting a business giveaway that is appreciated by recipients for its functionality while also allowing the company to save costs, the pen is perhaps the best choice. Pen manufacturers would agree that the most popular ink color today is black ballpoint. If you want advertising exposure, it’s hard to beat the value of a black ballpoint pen in terms of cost-effectiveness and market exposure.

Black ballpoint pens are favored by salespeople and office workers, although blue ink is gaining popularity. If you are a party-hire firm or a children’s wear company, you might consider more vibrant colors such as orange or pink, but keep in mind that you may sacrifice some functionality. Ultimately, practicality is key, so a gift pen with blue or black ink is a safe choice.

The outer appearance of the pen …

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“How Can Pens Help Improve Your Business?”

Independent Games

We interview Adrian Grigore, president of Lobstersoft, an independent casual games developer from Fulda, Germany. Their company consists of 2 people, although they have outsourced some parts of the development to freelance Navigating the Freelance Landscape: A Guide to Success on Fiverr - In the digital age, the concept of a traditional 9-to-5 job is rapidly evolving, giving way to the rise of freelance professionals. [Sign up here!] These individualsharness the power of the internet to offer their unique skills and talents to a global audience. Platforms like… graphics and music artists when creating Gemsweeper. Gemsweeper is their latest title, a PC puzzle game.

Independent Games

MM: Adrian, what can you tell me about the actual situation of independent videogame developers?

AG: Life as an independent game developer has always been a lot of fun. It requires a lot of dedication, but it is hugely rewarding to watch other people happily play your game once it is finished.Being your own boss also has its advantages. I love having the freedom to work whenever I want, as long as I want and wherever I want. I’m not sure if …

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“Independent Games”

An Artist Portrait (Part One)

woman leaning on table and holding paint brush

This is a fantastic article written exclusively for my Weblog by Frank V. Cahoj. Please feel free to comment here or send him emails. He’ll be happy of this.

An Artist Portrait (Part One)

My name is Frank Cahoj and I have been an artist since I was born. I can say this in confidence without remembering my birth or much of the first years of my life: I can say this because one is either an artist or one is not.

Technical skills, knowledge, know-how, are all irrelevant. There is something in the genetic makeup of a human being that makes them an artist, and it is sewn within them from birth. However, there are those who do not recognize this, as being part and parcel to their existence, and may still not become an artist Methods To Becoming An Oil Painting Artist - Do you aspire to become an artist? Are you particularly interested in oil painting? If so, you're in luck, as this article will guide you on how to become an oil painting artist. Numerous courses are available today that you can

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“An Artist Portrait (Part One)”