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Manuel Marino Music Composer

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Manuel Marino Music Blog

3d ArtArtsAudioBassBusinessCultureDrumsFluteGamesGuitarHobbiesInternetMasteringMoviesMusicPaintingPhilosophyPianoTechnologyViolinVoiceWritings

Manuel is a passionate, driven, and techsavvy AV technician, artist and music composer with over ten years of experience, specializing in the captivating world of music and entertainment.

Manuel is an expert in creating soundtracks for short filmsfeature films and video games.

Manuel Music Blog is a diverse digital platform where creativity and intellect converge, covering a wide range of topics from 3D Art to Music, and Technology to Philosophy.

It’s a collaborative space that features the insights of both Manuel, contributors and participants, appealing to enthusiasts across various fields.

With dedicated sections for different arts, instruments, and cultural reflections, this blog serves as a rich resource for those seeking inspiration, knowledge, and a deep dive into the myriad aspects of artistic and technological exploration.

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In our lives, music has a significant impact. If you think about it deeply, you will see that music is an integral part of our daily life cycle. If you are intelligent and observant, you will appreciate the power of music The Healing Power of Music - Healing Power of Music In the heart of New York City, amidst the hustle and bustle of Broadway's theatrics and the echoes of its orchestras, lies a story that tugs at the strings of the soul. Martin Agee, a violinist whose talents have graced the stages of Broadway, extends his gift of music beyond human… in your life. The main feature of music is its ability to penetrate our blood and record musical sequences in our genes. Here are the top 5 ways to use music:


Music has the unique power to stimulate your sexual energy. This is because the rhythmic strings of music greatly influence sexual activity. This happens due to the increased secretion of sexual hormones in our bodies through the musical strings. When music enters our ears, it affects the nervous system and sends electrical impulses to hormone glands, releasing sexual hormones. Your sexual pattern over time may be heavily influenced by sound, and you may need artificial stimulation for sexual arousal.

Certain types of music strings stimulate our sexual urges subconsciously. Different pitches in music may create vibrations in your body that ultimately trigger sexual desire. Not all pitches will have this effect; it depends on the specific pitch that helps you experience sexual desire and satisfaction. Engaging in sexual activity with appropriate background music can enhance your experience.


Education enhances our intelligence and decision-making abilities, but it requires stimulation, retention power, and concentration. Music can provide an extra boost in this case. Listening to music in the background while studying can reduce stress and increase mental activity. Music can help improve your academic performance, especially if you listen to romantic music while studying science subjects.


Cooking is an art that requires concentration and skill application. Listening to music while cooking can make the process more enjoyable and focused.

Household Jobs

Listening to music while doing daily household chores can make the tasks less boring and frustrating. Music can provide relief and improve your performance in these activities. Women are often more influenced by music during household tasks because they prefer to be free from stress and boredom.


Having dinner with your family while listening to music can enhance family bonding. If a family member is upset, music at the dinner table can provide relief and maintain family peace. Playing music during dinner can change the mood of your family members significantly, even making an upset family member smile again.

In conclusion, the importance of music in our daily lives is vital, and we should neither ignore nor underestimate it. Instead, we can harness the power of music to make our lives more active and lively.

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Poster Displays For Essential Poster Presentation

by JesusDQ Getting the right type of poster display is complex and requires careful consideration before making any d...Read More