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Manuel Marino Music Composer

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3d ArtArtsAudioBassBusinessCultureDrumsFluteGamesGuitarHobbiesInternetMasteringMoviesMusicPaintingPhilosophyPianoTechnologyViolinVoiceWritings

Manuel is a passionate, driven, and techsavvy AV technician, artist and music composer with over ten years of experience, specializing in the captivating world of music and entertainment.

Manuel is an expert in creating soundtracks for short filmsfeature films and video games.

Manuel Music Blog is a diverse digital platform where creativity and intellect converge, covering a wide range of topics from 3D Art to Music, and Technology to Philosophy.

It’s a collaborative space that features the insights of both Manuel, contributors and participants, appealing to enthusiasts across various fields.

With dedicated sections for different arts, instruments, and cultural reflections, this blog serves as a rich resource for those seeking inspiration, knowledge, and a deep dive into the myriad aspects of artistic and technological exploration.

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Finding A Top Quality Violin Luthier To Fix Your Instrument

Diana Netchaeva - live concert
Photo by LifeProducer

When your violin Your Violin Bow - It's Just Elementary Physics - As your violin skills and passion develop, it's essential that your violin bow evolves with them. Your first bow was likely chosen for durability and protection against accidents, perhaps even an all-synthetic bow for your initial learning and introduction to the violin's intricacies. As you progress, it's wise to keep that initial bow as a… is in need of repair, it is crucial to find the best violin luthier available to fix it. However, this can be a daunting task. With numerous reports of dishonest repair shops, it’s no wonder that many people hesitate before entrusting their beloved instrument for repairs.

The term “luthier” originally referred to those who repaired lutes, the early form of the guitar. These skilled craftsmen repaired various types of stringed instruments. Over time, specializations for violins, violas, cellos, basses, and guitars became more common. While some luthiers repair a range of stringed instruments, many eventually dedicate themselves to a specific type and even establish their own brand.

Students often spend a period of apprenticeship under a master luthier, which can range from one year to several. They invest thousands of …

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“Finding A Top Quality Violin Luthier To Fix Your Instrument”

All About Dark Fantasy Books

Fantasy Book
Photo by Las Vegas Decker

Dark fantasy books have been gaining popularity among a large niche of fans, but it has not always been a genre well-known in the literary world. However, with several TV and movie adaptations and new novels being released, the genre is starting to reach and appeal to a broader range of readers.

At one point, these novels had a reputation problem, often due to other books that may have had similar themes but were poorly written or due to the association with the Dungeons and Dragons era. Nevertheless, many are finding that they may have missed out on something, as there are now more and more titles available for readers to delve into.

This genre typically falls into various types of plots and categories, which often leaves people uncertain about what to expect. However, many are unaware of the numerous popular movies and TV shows that have been circulating within this niche.

It is not uncommon for people to wonder what they will find in these novels, leaving many questioning if it is strictly fantasy-based, science fiction Early Science Fiction On The Airwaves - Science Fiction in Radio Some might argue that Science Fiction has

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“All About Dark Fantasy Books”

What To Do To Promote My Music

Blondie Day on Green Adelaide
Photo by PeterTea

For a serious musician or band, it’s not enough to create great music; they need to be heard. There are numerous ways to work on achieving this goal. The key is to focus on how to promote your music and develop a following of people who will also enjoy your music. Recording and releasing music, as well as performing live, are the primary routes to success. However, to succeed, a band or musician must also engage in self-promotion as a separate activity.

Playing live is one of the most effective ways to promote yourself. If you’re a new band or just starting a solo career, it may be beneficial to secure an opening slot for a more established band. Another option is to organize your own show with other local bands and invite everyone you know. Most importantly, make sure the audience knows who you are.

Promoting your music offstage can also be helpful. Creating posters and flyers for your band and distributing them to record stores, universities, bars, and anywhere with permission can raise your profile. Producing CDs to sell or give away at local stores or gigs is an effective way to attract more listeners …

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“What To Do To Promote My Music”

A Much Need Look At Independent Music Distribution

Sensitive indie-laptop-pop troubadour with all the heart of pixel poet.
Photo by hfabulous

This post may be able to help more indie musicians understand some of the independent music distribution options that are available. The internet The World-wide-web Niche - The global economy has been severely impacted. Millions of people have lost their jobs, many are losing their homes, and retirement portfolios are disappearing at an alarming rate. What happens in the World Wide Web? We often discuss the global financial tsunami, an economic crisis on a scale that rivals the Great Depression of the… provides various smart choices and opportunities for them to share their creations with a global audience.

In the past, indie musicians had limited options for a large-scale release, usually limited to sending demos to a few popular indie labels of that time. These indie labels still exist in large numbers, and getting noticed by a reputable one can be a good way to gain recognition in the mainstream music industry Marketing and Music: Any Song Can Become Famous? - Today let's dive into a topic that's been buzzing around a lot: the relationship between marketing and music. We all know that marketing plays a massive role in the music industry, but does it actually hold

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“A Much Need Look At Independent Music Distribution”

Dark Fantasy Authors And What They Are About

Queen of the Black Coast, Recrowned (Conyn the Barbarian)(A Gender Switch Adventure) - Roberta E. Howard
Photo by Jekkara Press

Dark fantasy authors have been captivating people’s imaginations for a considerable time. Many of these authors have the ability to create unique worlds and transport their readers into these realms using only their words. While some are simply talented, others possess exceptional gifts and continue to bring fresh perspectives to the genre.

Dark fantasy is a genre often characterized by mythical worlds that may or may not exist alongside our own. The characters in these stories blur the lines between good and evil, making it difficult to discern who is which. The worlds they create are captivating, filled with intrigue and suspense.

Becoming a successful dark fantasy author does not necessarily require a formal degree. There are many writers who specialize in this genre and have not pursued relevant academic qualifications. To excel in this field, one needs a great deal of talent and a fair share of luck.

A skilled author develops a genuine fondness for the characters they create. Great characters possess complexity and evoke a range of emotions from their readers. Since characters are the focal point of these stories, they must be captivating enough to hold the readers’ attention.

Getting in touch …

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“Dark Fantasy Authors And What They Are About”