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Manuel Marino Music Composer

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Manuel is a passionate, driven, and techsavvy AV technician, artist and music composer with over ten years of experience, specializing in the captivating world of music and entertainment.

Manuel is an expert in creating soundtracks for short filmsfeature films and video games.

Manuel Music Blog is a diverse digital platform where creativity and intellect converge, covering a wide range of topics from 3D Art to Music, and Technology to Philosophy.

It’s a collaborative space that features the insights of both Manuel, contributors and participants, appealing to enthusiasts across various fields.

With dedicated sections for different arts, instruments, and cultural reflections, this blog serves as a rich resource for those seeking inspiration, knowledge, and a deep dive into the myriad aspects of artistic and technological exploration.

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Alex Lora (TRI)
Photo by Rafael Amado Deras

When they come to town, your parents and school teachers are the first in line for tickets, and that’s when you know that these individuals used to rock when you weren’t even born. They are the kind of band that expects nothing less than thirty thousand people to attend their shows and delivers the highest quality in everything, from their unforgettable presence to their remarkable music. That’s how you know when you encounter an evergreen rock band The Invictas are back - Bruce Atchison is one of my (no more available Yahoo Group) best members and he wrote this great article. Bruce is a legally blind freelance writer and the author of two books, When a Man Loves a Rabbit (Learning and Living With Bunnies) and Deliverance from Jericho (Six Years in a Blind School). The first… .

Chronologically speaking, the first band to be mentioned here was born in the 1960s in London B52 - Wade Crawley is back with a great B52 concert review! If you remember, Wade wrote for us Punk music in the late seventies. Now read his new exclusive article for ManuelMarino.com! The B52’s, London Roundhouse It was on a hot and very sweaty summer night in London’s trendy Camden and a packed audience of all… . The Rolling Stones, internationally recognized for their iconic lead singer, took a brilliant approach to fame. In addition to their undeniable talent, they presented an image that contrasted with other boys’ bands of the time. It worked, as they first conquered Europe and then achieved success in Australia, New Zealand, and North America. Their music, rooted in blues and rhythm and blues The Annals Of Blues Guitar - The blues guitar is a genre of music that can be vocal, instrumental or both. It primarily uses the 'blue' notes, which are based on a 'minor pentatonic' scale, also known as the blues scale. Blues music originated in African-American communities in the U.S., drawing from work songs, spirituals, field hollers, chants, shouts, and simple… with a touch of rock, remained steadfast in their own style despite the ever-changing musical landscape. This is what makes them stage gods, displaying passion for their music, incredible stamina, physical prowess, and respect for their fans.

Across the ocean, in 1970, the members of another famous rock band came together in Boston. Aerosmith knew how to quickly rise to fame, releasing multiple albums that captured the public’s attention. Their popularity relied on the fact that they had no inhibitions in exploring various topics of interest to the youth. Charming, powerful, and humorous, their music, appearance, and captivating music videos earned them the title of the greatest American band ever.

On another continent, three years later, a name worth remembering began its story. AC/DC, a rock group forever associated with the school uniform worn by their lead singer, made a strong impact on the school-aged audience with their music. Thundering through the music world How exactly to Work With tough folks in the Indie music World - What is Indie Music World? I am willing to wager that the most challenging aspect of your life at this moment is interacting with and managing relationships with others. It's a bet I believe I would easily win, as almost everyone faces this issue. It's the bane of the human experience. A famous French philosopher… and rocking stages whenever they had the opportunity, this group introduced albums filled with energy, encouraging listeners to live freely, enjoy life, and draw strength from their surroundings. Those who admired them back then can still experience the same electrifying feeling at their concerts.

Many rock bands are still thriving and deserve recognition. However, one band that stands out above the rest began their journey in Ireland in 1976. Categorized as playing punk and alternative rock, this band speaks to a part of the human mind that goes beyond simple pleasures and minor worries, yet can be found within all of us. Their wisdom and strength continue to make women sigh and ignite enthusiasm in anyone who listens to or sees them. With the ability to adapt to new musical trends while utilizing effects pedals to maintain a unique touch in each track, this rock band remains one of the best in the world.

These bands are not just lucky individuals who rule the music world. Their stories are often more interesting than their music, as they had to find a balance between their lives as musicians and rock stars. This sometimes meant parting ways with band members who were blinded by fame and replacing them with those who knew how to remain true stars. They have left behind unparalleled music that has influenced and continues to influence emerging bands. They deliver what they promise in every concert, earning their place among the evergreen legends.

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The Culture in American Tv Series

Photo by elycefeliz Thanks to modern transportation and communication, the world is becoming smaller. The entire World...Read More